Americans help terrorists

RD_151 said:
IF the demonstration is so big, that it shuts down a city the size of New York

(High estimate). 500,000 protesters equals six percent of the city. What about the other 94%?
Defend their right to protest....not distupt society. There's a big fucking difference between the two. I've got no problem with people protesting. That's their right. I'd do the same in a situation I didn't approve of. But to purposely setup a protest for the sole purpose of disrupting the financial markets is a not a protest. It's a fucking mob.
PostCode said:
I hate this POS laptop keyboard. I can't type worth a shit on it.

I hear ya, they really suck when ya try to type a lot really fast. Time for a USB keyboard I guess.
As I said above, how many people do you think are against the war? For each protester their are thousands of others who are oppose who don't or wouldn't protest. They are respresenting far more than just themselves, just as our senators, congressman, and emperor do ;)
Not a bad idea, but then I'd have to lug that arund with me too. hehehe

Kinda defeats the whole purpose. :)
Yep. But you could use it at home at least. Thats what I do, or used to do at least. My laptop only plays dvds these days, and some occasional web surfing.
As i had said earlier, i dont care if they protest. That part is their right. ITS the way they are going about it thats wrong. IT is not anyones RIGHT to knowingly break the law. And that is what they have announced is their intention.
Hell its not even really a protest against the war in itself. Its a challenge to see who has the bigger dick. San fran protestors or NY protesters.
" hey we were able to shut down a whole community, bet you cant do that"
So who do they think they are representing? Not any real protester against the war. These are the leftovers that have no life other than to go around and try to turn back time. Sorry its to late, its not like we are gonna just pack up our shit now and come home. We set out to do a job and hopefully we wont listen to this minority and we do finish the job.
If these people really want to make a difference in the country, why arent they working the homeless shelters, feeding the hungry? something noble like that.
Instead they sit around on their asses and complain about how deprived they are and nobody listens to what the people really want.
Well, my question is more where were they before it started. That could have prevented the war (not likely, but who knows). Shutting down nyc, sf, and a few other large cities on several occasions would get the message out that the people don't want this. Its too bad these things start after its too late! I guess they can't get much support before its started. The sad truth is, once it starts, you can't stop. You've commited, and there is no turning back, if you are for it or against it you just have to go forward. You can't put it back the way it was before, and to stop now would only make things worse than either following it through or avoiding it altogether. Oh well! We can still bitch about it though :D Sadly, whatever may come, it seems we have do whatever it takes to finish it this time. As much as I hate to admit it, we are past the point of no return, we have been since about the second day of this :(
Gonz i had never heard of the WW as they like to be refered to before this. I find it very interesting though.
I pulled this paragraph they wrote about themselves from their website.

"We don't fit Fox News's caricatures of us. We're independent Marxists who respect the struggles for self-determination and progress of oppressed nations. We try to understand their problems in a world dominated by Western imperialism. We don't jump on the bandwagon when Third World leaders are demonized. Our goal is solidarity of all the workers and oppressed against this criminal imperialist system."

I find it odd that an organization that tells me how concearned they are for these poor nations have no offices in any of these countries. It would seem to me if i am proclaiming that they are my cause, that i would at the very least have one office in any of the countries they claim to represent. But their national office is in NY and the rest are mostly on the eastern seaboard and a couple down in the southern states. Mind you all pretty good size cities.

The last 2 sentences were the clincher for me though.
"We don't jump on the bandwagon when Third World leaders are demonized. Our goal is solidarity of all the workers and oppressed against this criminal imperialist system."
If its so bad here then why stay? OH yea i remember now, because it was this imperialistic system that gives them the rights they enjoy so much.
What a load of crap. mindless followers in the name of marxism. I bet poor karl is looking down on them wishing the would dissapear in into their own mindless, soulless void they call their heads.
your right RD we are past the point of no retun, I wish there would have been things done differently way before it started. like the UN actually do their jobs. But unfortunately they havent for years. Only when forced do they look at any issues, Money and power went to their heads before we could garner any good from them.
Maybe(and unfortunate) the people who put the un reps into their positions will wake up and see that we are in need of new blood and forward thinkers. Too bad it has to be after the fact.
as has been said they have a right to protest but not disrupt the lives of others. their aim was to disrupt business as usual?? thats just plain stupid. pure bullshit protesting to protest :rolleyes: if they knew why they were and were protesting the war they wouldnt stop business or intefere with anyones life just try to bring their point out and get people to pay attention to them. gonz thanks for posting the first amendment since there was controversy regarding this. and sam you got it right except the p should be a 'b' not a p.
samcurry said:
As i had said earlier, i dont care if they protest. That part is their right. ITS the way they are going about it thats wrong. IT is not anyones RIGHT to knowingly break the law.

People are pissed that their government isn't listening and they feel they need to do something to really get its attention. I'm not saying breaking the law to protest is right....but I understand.

But is pretty funny how Postcode has to take everything to extremes like "dropping them behind enemy lines" as if that makes any sense.
I understand too flav. but in the manner they are planning, I dont believe their protest will be or should be taken seriously. If you really want to get their attention and proe to them that what their doing in the war is wrong show them in the polls. thats where any of us are really heard and taken seriously. Its a sad but true fact. And if we find out in this so called witch hunt for WMDS in iraq that bush was wrong, trust me he wont be in office to make the same mistake twice.
flavio said:
But is pretty funny how Postcode has to take everything to extremes like "dropping them behind enemy lines" as if that makes any sense.

He has a far more personal position on this than you do. He has seen the horrors of war, in the very land we're in now. He has fought to protect our liberties, which includes the first amendment "right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".

The point you're missing is, one of the reasons we're fighting is to allow these people the same basic rights. If they were dropped into a dictatorship, they would have their tongues cut out, or worse.

The true irony is, for every protest that gets splashed across the TV screen, Bush's "pro" points go up. Sorry, guys, the US citizens believe in what we're doing.
It's makes perfect sense to me. In my view, they don't deserve the freedom myself and fellow soldiers give them. It's also more of a point that you obviously missed. Would they have the same rights that they so much like to abuse in Iraq????
I'm sorry but going to the poles isn't the answer! When was the last time they let us vote on whether or not we would go to war! Bad arguement, I'm sorry, but that just doesn't cut it here. Protesting is the ONLY way to get your message out in this case. If you argue otherwise, you are only lying to yourself. If it was a lib doing something you don't want, you wouldn't be content to wait until the next election. Nah, try again!

US citizens may appear to believe in what we are doing now, but they are a fickle bunch. Wait until the death tolls start to get reported. Tell me that a month from now, better yet 6 months from now when guerilla fighters are still keeping Baghdad firmly out of control of the 'coalition forces.'
RD_151 said:
When was the last time they let us vote on whether or not we would go to war!

Every 4 years, the first Tuesday in November. Representative Republic means we have leaders who, knowing the facts, hopefully make the right decision.

Whether it was a lib or a conservative, I'd argue with facts. Not speculation.
No, thats a bullshit argument! If a war is happening today, and I'm against it, I'm gonna try to get them my message immediately, not 2 years from now. But don't worry, Bush will get my message then as well. I may even volunteer with the Democratic party to help 'get out the vote.' I volunteered for the Repubs last time, but that won't be the case next time around. You can be sure of that!