Americans help terrorists

PostCode said:
It's makes perfect sense to me. In my view, they don't deserve the freedom myself and fellow soldiers give them.

is that for everyone against the war or just the asshole protesters? also no they wouldnt have it in Iraq I wish people werent complacent about their rights
RD the sad reality is what we both just agreed on earlier, protest till the cows come home. but were past the point of no return. IT NOT GONNA MAKE the decision makers listen to any of them now. ITs a moot point.
And see you gret to excersise a right the iraqi's dont get. you get to choose who you will vote for. and you get the right to sling mud at the party you oppose. they dont. UNLES they also want to be dead. some freedoms......
Gonz said:
He has a far more personal position on this than you do. He has seen the horrors of war, in the very land we're in now.

I could give a shit. That doesn't make it alright to encourage violence towards protestors.

Gonz said:
The point you're missing is, one of the reasons we're fighting is to allow these people the same basic rights.

The point your missing is that out freedom of speech was not being threatened by Iraq.

Gonz said:
the US citizens believe in what we're doing.

Some of them.

PostCode said:
It's makes perfect sense to me. In my view, they don't deserve the freedom myself and fellow soldiers give them.

If they use their freedoms the should be shipped of to their demise? I think you miss the idea of freedom, maybe you should consider relocating?

It's also more of a point that you obviously missed. Would they have the same rights that they so much like to abuse in Iraq????

What the hell does that have to do with anything?
These folks have every right to protest this way. And shopowners have every right to have them arrested and hauled off as soon as they cross onto their property.
Ok. Let me really clarify myself. I like esxtremes flav. In my view, I've earned that my view.

If I feel that protestors who are planning to disrupt world markets or just the local stop light are doing so for purposes other than a peaceful show of support, then it's my belief that those very people don't deserve to have those rights. If a person robs a store, he commits a felony. He can no longer own a gun or vote unless that felony is removed from his record. The same principle applies in this case. If they intentionally break the law in this manner, then they deserve to be tried and sentenced accordingly. I feel that they should have that very basic right stipped from them. See the logic here? You break the law, you lose the right. Simple.

If you like people protesting and you partake, that's fine. I'm all for it. You break the law and you should be tried. Time served, freedom stripped. Period.
I'm sorry, but I just don't by this 'we are liberating the people" arguement. That is an after thought, nothing more. If it wasn't we'd have a much longer track record of liberating people. Squeaky wheel... I know, luckly that they have lots of oil we can use on it huh! Lets stop pretending about that already! Sure, we may "liberate" them, we've already "liberated" quite a few I'm sure, death would no doubt be considered a form of "liberation." In that respect I agree, it's about "liberation," lots of it, on both sides. And let us not forget about the oil we need for our squeaky wheels :D
Gonz said:
Their aim is to disrupt "business as usual."

That is a quote from the nutcase rag, the Village Voice. Not from Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Gonzo. That is aiding & abetting the enemy. Pure & Simple
PostCode said:
then they deserve to be tried and sentenced accordingly. I feel that they should have that very basic right stipped from them

Well, since the law does not provide for what you want, what you have suggested would be breaking the law.

Now what should we do with you?
PostCode said:
If I feel that protestors who are planning to disrupt world markets or just the local stop light are doing so for purposes other than a peaceful show of support, then it's my belief that those very people don't deserve to have those rights.

So its ok if they are showing support but dissent you have a problem with. Ok that sounds reasonable. Peaceful demstrations showing support are good, demonstrations showing dissent are bad. Ok, gotcha :D
Ohhhh. I see. Here we go again...

What part of " my view" are you NOT understanding here?

I'm done here. Like I said before....the horse is dead and beating it further won't accomplish anything.
Hey PostCode, I know that's not what you meant to write, it was just a freudian slip right ;)

Sorry, I shouldn't quote ya out of context. I admit it.
PostCode said:
What part of " my view" are you NOT understanding here?

I understood "your view" and I'm talking to you about "your view" which is pretty messed up by the way.
Here are the confused & senseless ones...

NEW YORK - Sixteen people protesting against the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the U.S.-led war in Iraq (news - web sites) lay down in a busy Manhattan intersection on Wednesday, halting traffic for blocks before being carried into police vans.

The protesters, chained together by handcuffs, doused themselves in mock blood and chanted the refrain, "Occupation is a Crime, Free Iraq and Palestine," unfazed by the honking buses and jeering spectators crowded around the corner of Fifth Avenue and 47th Street.

What the hell are we doing? Freeing Iraq, said the wise man.


Now, just suppose you're mother had a heart attack on Fifth & 43st & the ambulance couldn't get there in time because of these 16 idiots. Sounds like a case of manslaughter to me.
you know, my view on this protest shit could change pretty fast. I was looking at the effect it has on traffic in D.C. and in about 6 months, I may be in favor of dropping them behind enemy lines myself. Not because they are protesting, but rather because they are interfering with my drive home from work. I guess there are two sides to this. I can't believe how often they protest there, and how effectively it can shut down the city!
DC is the Capitol of the US. Protests are expected & planned for. NYC is a mega-business district. Protest all you want, in Central Park. :D
Nah, they aren't THAT prepared for it, I get emails all the time warning me about traffic because of one protest or another. Luckily I'm not in D.C. yet though so I can just ignore them for now.