Americans help terrorists

flavio said:
I don't have that kind of time. Suffice it to say that Gonz presented one viewpoint and I countered with another.

flavio said:
I've already gone over what I think we should have done.

Somewhere, in reading & re-reading this thread, I missed it. All I see are questions & rhetoric.

The question, put simply & without pretext-

what would you do to solve the issue of saddam hussein?
Gonz said:
Somewhere, in reading & re-reading this thread,

That's becuase it was in the other thread where you asked me.

Gonz said:
After 12+ years of unsuccesful, nay, failed, diplomacy, the regime of saddam hussein still has, according to multiple countries intel, WMDs and other weapons deemed illegal to possess by his agreement with the UN.

Establish a solid case that he these WMD's and poses a threat because of them thus getting the support and justification that you need.

If you can't do that you have no business invading a country.
And what do you do in the event that you establish a good case, and fail to get the support you desire?

Pack up your bags and hope nothing bad happens?
flavio said:
I don't see why you think that because some group is against the war that most people against the war must be affiliated with that group?

The Pope is against the war does that make most of the protestors catholic too?

The KKK is for the war, does that make most of you pro-war types Klan members?

Does the war in Iraq have much to do with communism?

Seems like just a bunch of grasping for excuses to discount people who don't agree with you.
You still didn't answer the question, flavio. Straight quoting other posts, and no responding to posts outside the main question. ;) I, too, am interested in reading what you think should be done.
Because, in SF last weekend, there I've heard that many of them were bussed in, courtesy of the WWP.

flavio said:
Establish a solid case that he these WMD's and poses a threat because of them thus getting the support and justification that you need.

That's been done. The whole world knows it. Only 4 countries directly oppose action-China, Russia, France & Germany. Three of four are linked to direct financial liabilities should saddam be removed. At least 2 of the four have skirted the embargo. It ain't about oil, it's about money. Theirs, not ours.
Gonz said:
That's been done.

The case I saw Powell present to the UN was pathetic and much of their "proof" was debunked immediately.

If you want to get the support of the world then make an airtight case.
Much of the evidence Powell presented to the UN was shown to be outdated or downright false by our own allies.