an important message .. the buddy system

I have a family member here that I have left instruction for,
to post in all the forums I frequent, incase something
really bad happens to me.

I haven't seen dart around here lately, but dart did post at my board
about a week ago.
Dart's my pal.;)
nalani said:
Is there a reason you need more information? It's not a secret to those who frequent that board.

A lot of the same people here on other boards that I visit as well. It's like a series of intersecting circles. I'm not trying to pry, I just figured there's a chance that maybe someone here may know this person from one of these circles.

Since you seem to be getting a little defensive about it I'll drop it.
I don't have any RL friends here, but some of my friends are at Mikhailtech, and there are a few OTC people at Mikhailtech.
No...Really. I went to a fortune teller and she said 1369 was my number because I'm a unlucky cocksucker...
flavio said:
nalani said:
Is there a reason you need more information? It's not a secret to those who frequent that board.

A lot of the same people here on other boards that I visit as well. It's like a series of intersecting circles. I'm not trying to pry, I just figured there's a chance that maybe someone here may know this person from one of these circles.

Since you seem to be getting a little defensive about it I'll drop it.

In one of my conversations with him, I have already determined that he and I do not frequent the same circles. The other board is the only board he attends. Seeing as I am very worried about my friend, if I thought there was any chance, I would have given out his user name.

Defensive? No. I wasn't then. I merely asked a question. Defensive now? Damn straight. Why? Maybe it's because you choose to be an asshole about responding. You want to be an insensitive jerk, do so on your own time - or better yet, start your own thread. This thread was meant to be a means by which those who are friends online could make sure other people know what's happening in case of an emergency. Do not turn this into one of your debates of "he said, she said" crap. I'm not in the mood. There's an actual person that I happen to care about that has disappeared. You don't have to give a shit about it - that's your choice. But at least, at the VERY LEAST, have a little bit of human decency and compassion NOT to start shit in a thread that has only good intentions.
Looks like there is a virus in here leading people in to heat. I never saw so much hostility like in the last 2 weeks.
I have a friend to whom I send links to some of the topics here. While he's not registered, I think he knows the address for this sites. I'll check with him tomorrow to be sure. I could send to some of you my phone number, but I guess none's interested in doing international calls. :D
Shadow do you know Psycho?
Hey, what about adding a field in our profile to fill that info, that would only be viewable by ourselves and admins? A simple field to enter our phone number or an alternative person to contact in case of disappearence. I don't like to keep asking for modifications, but I don't think that's too complicated to do. I may be wrong...
AlladinSane said:
Hey, what about adding a field in our profile to fill that info, that would only be viewable by ourselves and admins? A simple field to enter our phone number or an alternative person to contact in case of disappearence. I don't like to keep asking for modifications, but I don't think that's too complicated to do. I may be wrong...

Would be helpful as I don't know any of you in RL and nobody I know in RL visits any of the same messageboards I do .I have invited/suggested they pop-in ,but alas I surf without a buddy.:crying3:
i got huge covered too. spoke to him tonight.
and i got q's number but i aint giving it out to any guys here she's all mine :brow:
Maybe it's because you choose to be an asshole about responding. You want to be an insensitive jerk

Where was I insensitive? I was trying to help until you got defensive so I dropped it like I said I would. I thought that was very sensitive of me.

I don't see why you have to be so hostile. I'm going to assume your just a little touchy about this.

I checked with brainy and he says if anything should happen to me where I am detained from a computer for an extended period (like a week or so unplanned) he will let y'all know where I am. If for some reason he should forget I'm sure SOMEONE here knows him and could comtact him via email or something :)
Justin has my number and my address, or at least i gave them to him :D
Squiggy said:
No...Really. I went to a fortune teller and she said 1369 was my number because I'm a unlucky cocksucker...

Being male can one be considered as a lucky cocksucker???
I certainly wouldn't like that.

Anyway, if I'm around long enough to be missed I'll let someone know how/where/when I can be contacted.

Otherwise just post at where I'm a mod. If I have gone missing for any reason, morbid or not then some of the other moderators there will know. :(
dont worry Na :hug: i hope hes ok im sure hell be back and say what was going on. i worry about my friends more than i prolly need to myself but all my friends in real life and online have been saying that makes me a good friend. now as far as the buddy system the only one i used was at jjr512 and vampirequeen(a friend i answered her ad on gothic personals a while back) was the only one on there. if i go somewhere i always make sure to start a thread so everyone knows whats going on. if someone wants to add me ill add them too. but otherwise im pretty much like that. not that i dont care mind you guys. i do. just my personality thats all. :hug: Na again