And the idiots still haven't gotten the gag


Well-Known Member
So here is our government, once again, going after a private citizen. They have now hoisted a petition against Rush Limbaugh for his comments -- Constitutionally guaranteed political free speech -- because they don't like what he said on hoping Obama's policies fail.

I can't believe that people still have not gotten the gag that Limbaugh is pulling off against the media and Leftists everywhere.

Does this sound AT ALL familiar:

We support the troops but we don't support the mission.

Now translate that into this:

I support the president but I don't support his policies.

He is making an ass of the media and the Left and they are chomping on the bait like a bunch of starved game fish --- and he's reelin' 'em in.

God, I love this guy.

Democrats Launch Petition Against Rush Limbaugh After Firing Back at Obama
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee launches an online petition to express outrage at Rush Limbaugh after he said he wanted President Obama to fail.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has launched an online petition to express outrage at conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for saying he wanted President Obama to "fail."

"Jobs, health care, our place in the world -- the stakes for our nation are high and every American needs President Obama to succeed," the petition reads. "Stand strong against Rush Limbaugh's Attacks -- sign our petition, telling Rush what you think of his attacks on President Obama."

The petition comes after Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill Friday that they need to quit listening to Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

One White House official confirmed the comment but said he was simply trying to make a larger point about bipartisan efforts.

On Monday, Limbaugh shot back at Obama, opening his show by saying, "I'm the man you should not be listening, according to President Obama."

"I think [Obama] wants me to fail," Limbaugh said. "He's more frightened of me than he is of John Boehner, which doesn't say much for our party."

The remarks came after Limbaugh said last week on his radio show: "If I wanted Obama to succeed, I'd be happy the Republicans have laid down. I don't want this to work. So I'm thinking of replying to this guy, say 'okay, I'll send you a response, but I don't need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails'."

The committee's online petition includes a YouTube video featuring audio clips of the radio host's recent remarks.
I know you love that blowhard but it shouldn't blind you to the facts so much that you immediately distort things.

Nobody is taking issue with Rush saying "I support the president but I don't support his policies".

If you read the article you just posted you would clearly see that it's this bit...

"wanted President Obama to fail"

Why is that so hard for you? Wanting the president to fail is obviously un-American. You should be ashamed of Rush.

Rush makes an ass of himself and the right and gets called on it. Somebody exercises their constitutionally guaranteed political free speech by starting a petition and you bitch about it. What do you have against free speech?
I know you love that blowhard but it shouldn't blind you to the facts so much that you immediately distort things.

Nobody is taking issue with Rush saying "I support the president but I don't support his policies".

If you read the article you just posted you would clearly see that it's this bit...

"wanted President Obama to fail"

Why is that so hard for you? Wanting the president to fail is obviously un-American. You should be ashamed of Rush.

Rush makes an ass of himself and the right and gets called on it. Somebody exercises their constitutionally guaranteed political free speech by starting a petition and you bitch about it. What do you have against free speech?

but you wanted bush to succeed. right?

i guess thats why you engaged in the name calling, the snide comments, and all that other stuff

said it before, sayin it again. your boy won, now hes the target. belly up and swallow your share

now its time for you to deny everything and claim someone is running away and then claim some victory. commence page 2 of the script in three...two...
but you wanted bush to succeed. right?

i guess thats why you engaged in the name calling, the snide comments, and all that other stuff

said it before, sayin it again. your boy won, now hes the target. belly up and swallow your share

now its time for you to deny everything and claim someone is running away and then claim some victory. commence page 2 of the script in three...two...

:rofl4: If the president does something with which you disagree, scream until you're blue in the face. It's the American way and if you want to be honest with yourself, this is what you're complaining about re Mr. Bush. Wishing in advance for Obama's failure simply because he wasn't your candidate (or for any other reason) is just plain stupid. Do you really hate America so much?

One wonders that you don't see the irony in your being worse whiners than the "liberals" that you so vociferously condemned ever were.
but you wanted bush to succeed. right?
Off hand, I'd say that most people who were against Bush would rather that he had succeeded.
That he failed on so many occasions is the source of the disappointment and anger of the 'left'.
eh Rush knows how it goes.
He's got lawyers, and publicity managers.
Don't have to worry 'bout him.
:rofl4: If the president does something with which you disagree, scream until you're blue in the face. It's the American way and if you want to be honest with yourself, this is what you're complaining about re Mr. Bush. Wishing in advance for Obama's failure simply because he wasn't your candidate (or for any other reason) is just plain stupid. Do you really hate America so much?

So you are angry that they are exercising their freedom of speech when they say they thought what he said was distasteful.

so freedom of speech is only good if you agree with that the people are saying.
nice to see you now have a staff hired to get you out of tight spots

Where's the tight spot?

but you wanted bush to succeed. right?

I thought the idea was clear from what chcr said but I'll spell it out if you need. I did want Bush to succeed and never wished in advance for him to fail as Rush did. It's a shame for America that he failed so hard.

Do you, like Rush, wish for Obama to fail?
paul, it's simply symptomatic of being a blowhard. entirely appropriate in a thread that's about king blowhard himself.

i wonder how much rush has to pay to get laid... *eeeew*

*apologies for the horrible mental image*
nice to see you now have a staff hired to get you out of tight spots
now answer the question
before you ask,

Any American worth their salt wanted Bush to succeed. From my personal observations, there is no recollection of people wishing or even suggesting President Bush ill-will or failure. Negativity of President Bush was past tense and based on pointing out individual policies implemented on his watch, failing.

And that is a lot different than doing a "Limbaugh" impersonation.
He wants Bambam's policies to fail:

I'm not talking about search-and-destroy, but I've been listening to Barack Obama for a year-and-a-half. I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don't want them to succeed.

Look, what he's talking about is the absorption of as much of the private sector by the US government as possible, from the banking business, to the mortgage industry, the automobile business, to health care. I do not want the government in charge of all of these things. I don't want this to work.

So I'm thinking of replying to the guy, "Okay, I'll send you a response, but I don't need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails." (interruption) What are you laughing at? See, here's the point. Everybody thinks it's outrageous to say. Look, even my staff, "Oh, you can't do that." Why not? Why is it any different, what's new, what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what's gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here.

Why do I want more of it? I don't care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: "Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails." Somebody's gotta say it.
He says "I support the prez. but not his policies." Not hard to figure out.

Were the liberals out there hoping Bush succeeded or were they out there trying to destroy him before he was even inaugurated? Why do we have to play the game by their rules? Why do we have to accept the premise here that because of the historical nature of his presidency, that we want him to succeed? This is affirmative action, if we do that. We want to promote failure, we want to promote incompetence, we want to stand by and not object to what he's doing simply because of the color of his skin? Sorry. I got past the historical nature of this months ago.

We're talking about my country, the United States of America, my nieces, my nephews, your kids, your grandkids. Why in the world do we want to saddle them with more liberalism and socialism? Why would I want to do that? So I can answer it, four words, "I hope he fails." And that would be the most outrageous thing anybody in this climate could say. Shows you just how far gone we are. Well, I know, I know. I am the last man standing.
Considering that the Prez's job is to keep America safe and deal with the economics situation (to name a few).. wanting him to fail means wanting America to be unsafe and for the economy to crash.

Rush is upset about the way in which Obama is planning on reaching that goal. He shouldn't be knocking the goal itself.
From the Friday, January 23 show:

But I just want to say, folks, look I support Obama. I just don't support his policies. I support our president, like I have supported all presidents. I just don't support Obama's policies. I don't support the nationalization of the banks, which has happened. I don't support the nationalization of the auto companies. I don't support the nationalization of the mortgage business. I don't like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd running things. And I don't want that to continue. But I support our president. I'm like anybody else, I support the president. I just don't support the policies.

Now, let's take a look at the week. Not a good week, folks, looking at this objectively and honestly, as one who supports the president, who wants him to be well and wants him to do well. A lot of omens this week, folks. You know, if I were in the Obama administration, I would be a little concerned. First off, the oath was botched. I don't care who botched it, but that doesn't happen. The oaf of office was botched. The immaculation address by Obama was a dud, a flat-out dud. In fact, Charles Krauthammer, a great piece today in the Washington Post. And Mr. Krauthammer was one of the conservatives who dined with Obama at George Will's home in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Krauthammer says it was so bad and so flat and so unlike Obama that he wonders if Obama did it on purpose. He wonders if Obama botched this speech on purpose to lower expectations, knowing full well that he can't hit grand slams all the time. I don't know about that because to me this is not the kind of occasion where you want to leave your cult followers clueless as to when to applaud and cheer.
Considering that the Prez's job is to keep America safe and deal with the economics situation (to name a few).. wanting him to fail means wanting America to be unsafe and for the economy to crash.

Then why was his first act in office to close Gitmo and make us all less safe? Why is he wanting to take capital out of the economy, place it in the government's hands, and then through bureaucracy and administration, both of which waste that money, put it back in the hands of those he took it from with the administrative fees removed; and you call that dealing with the economic situation?

Truly dealing with the economic situation would be to reduce taxes and let the money flow directly from the hands of the people into the economy without having part of that money eaten up by a middleman.

Rush is upset about the way in which Obama is planning on reaching that goal. He shouldn't be knocking the goal itself.

He isn't knocking the goal. He is knocking the manner in which the goal is purportedly going to be achieved.

Obama wants to raise taxes in the middle of a recession (which we finally are actually in) yet promises to reduce taxes for 95% of Americans. The only way to do this is to give the 35% who pay no taxes at all a negative tax bill which the rest of us know as a check. How else do you "reduce" a tax bill of zero?