

molṑn labé
Staff member
would you? with advance knowledge?


if there is no chance for the child/children to survive or if the girl doesnt want to be a mother(if she wants teh abortion) i will sya yes. but I would hope abortion isnt the first choice. ever. but it is a choice
If there was a chance that the child would be deformed to such an extent that he / she would never be able to lead a life where any quality exists (i.e if the child could never have a chance at a life free from pain caused by severe deformities etc, beyond the reasonable care of parents & minders) OR if carrying the child full term is a threat either to my own life or it's life OR if the child was conceived during rape I would definitely consider an abortion.

I use the term 'child' very loosely here as I don't believe a foetus is a child............yes I know, the argument of when a foetus becomes a child / human being is a whole other debate.

Good on that lady for going through with the pregnancy and giving birth to two beautiful little girls, I hope there is some way that they can be seperated in future (don't know if I missed that part in the article), so each of them can lead a healthy, prosperous life as an individual who isn't fully dependant of anyone else for anything at all.
AlphaTroll said:
If there was a chance that the child would be deformed to such an extent that he / she would never be able to lead a life where any quality exists (i.e if the child could never have a chance at a life free from pain caused by severe deformities etc, beyond the reasonable care of parents & minders) OR if carrying the child full term is a threat either to my own life or it's life OR if the child was conceived during rape I would definitely consider an abortion.

I hope there is some way that they can be seperated in future (don't know if I missed that part in the article), so each of them can lead a healthy, prosperous life as an individual who isn't fully dependant of anyone else for anything at all.

I agree with you there. I would probably consider it as well if it was due to a rape or the child will suffer through their whole life or myself.

Unfortunately, in this case, the girls can never be seperated because they share too many organs.

If the children are born conjoined or with slight problems, they have every right to live as well, and I think this girl made a good decision in continuing her pregnancy.
as a man I have no right to an opinion on this subject. When we choose whether or not to use a condom, that is our last choice until the baby is born, in my opinion.

But I will voice what I feel anyway.

Abortion should not be birth control, and not taken lightly

It should be the mothers choice 100% not the goverments, not any religious orders.

If the tests showed somethign was majoorly wrong I don't know what I would do (If I was a woman).

a. it's your child.

b. it could end up being a burden on you, that if you go through with this, the next 40 years of your life are spoken for.

I have a nephew who is , I guess autistic, and my sister loves him, I love him, but sometimes you here what she has to go through, the costs, the emotional drainign days.

Now I'm sure hse never wishes she never had him, but sometimes I look at her and wonder if she knew when she was pregnant, would she still have gone through with it.
tonks said:
i wouldn't have an abortion because of rape...childs mine as well...

tonksy, I guess that makes you a stronger person than me because I know I'd come to resent that child. And I'd never want to raise a child in a home where he/she does not feel 100% loved, it's just not fair to that little person.

Perhaps I'd feel differently if I had children of my own, I admit. But to me a child is a very special little being, deserving of the best at all times - especially from their parents. I am not sure I'd be able to provide that if the child was conceived in such a hateful way.

Pauly: you have every right to an opinion on this matter. Yes, the choice is ultimately that of the woman, but the man will be just as greatly affected by it.
I think I agree with AT's sentiments mostly. But then again, kinda with tonks, too (on the rape bit).

I hope I'm never in a position where I must seriously consider abortion, that's for sure.

But I know someone who was "molested" (raped) and got pregnant. I can't imagine the pain she had to go through simply contemplating the decision.
She decided "to fully give the situation to God," and trusted that she would be back in time for the babies' birth, then scheduled for early to mid-February.

although they don't share all organs, they share enough for there to be no option for seperation.
They shall live out their mercifully short lives conjoined.

I've done some reading on this in the past...with the % of shared organs and the heart troubles that they have in one of the hearts...their life expentancy is somewhere in excess of 1 month, but chances are..less than 4 months.

Now...if I knew that my children had such a massive birth-defect and would only live a few months..most of them in the hospital... I don't think that I could go through with it. I'd abort and try again.

I've said it it is again. I'm a pro-life pro-choice agnostic...

Abortion is not a form of birth-control like condoms or the pill, nor should it be thought of as such.
Abortion is the choice of the parents and should not be controlled by GVT, friends, family or Church
so think that if a single woman finds herself in the family way she should inform mr. wednesday night and ask his permission to abort his child? i think if you are in a relationship with someone you have the moral obligation to make the decision a joint one....but not in all situations.
Gonz said:
would you? with advance knowledge?


Look at their faces. Look at them. Deformed? Life expectance of months? Maybe. But they're still people. Living, breathing people. If they only have months to live, at least give them those months. Let them live what life God gave them. And let them be happy, if only for those few months.
AlphaTroll said:
I use the term 'child' very loosely here as I don't believe a foetus is a child............yes I know, the argument of when a foetus becomes a child / human being is a whole other debate.
i strongly disagree with you. think about it, you were once a feotus, would you want somebody murdering you before you before you had any say in the matter.
IMHO, abortion is murder. murder at any stage of pregnancy...

you're damn right i'm anit-abortionist...just think, one of those baby's who were aborted may have grown up to find the cure cancer or aids....and now we'll never know...
man cannot play the role of God.

But you can't seriously base your judgements on "woulda ... shoulda ..." circumstances. Yeah. One of those aborted babies might have been the one to cure cancer. But since there's NO WAY of knowing, the point is moot and doesn't even make a logical defense.
sam_fisher said:
one of those baby's who were aborted may have found the cure cancer or aids....and now we'll never know...


with that logic one of them could have been the next....

the person who kills half the human race, the destroyer of world etc.
You talkin to me, Prof?

I don't think killing a child to make the mom's life better is a very valid argument, either. Because "better" would have to be defined and accepted.

I suppose I'm more pro-choice than anti-abortion. I do not believe in abortion for birth control purposes. I believe that abortion should be a last resort in special circumstances - ie - rape, severe mental/physical retardation (disgression advised), etc. If giving birth to a child kills the mom, I think that should be taken into consideration.