Bad Joke thread.

A woman goes to the gynecologist for a check-up before her wedding, and, after the check-up, the gynecologist decides asks her a personal question.

"Of course", says the woman.

So the doctor asks,"This is your fourth marriage, you're very attractive, and you're still a virgin. WTF is going on?"

The woman looks down at the floor, thinks for a second, and looks back at the doctor.

"Well", she begins, "My first husband died at the altar after we kissed."

"That's terrible", says the doctor...

"My second husband died on the way to the honeymoon before we could consummate the marriage"

"That's tragic", said the doctor.

"My third husband, well, he was a Cleveland Brown..."

"What's that got to do with your virginity?", asked the befuddled doctor.

"Well", she begins,"He just got in the bed next to me every night, look longingly at me, and say 'Maybe next year'."

(American footbal joke)
Cleveland said:
Ok first, I HAVE to say sorry to the ladies out there..... but this was SO DAMN FUNNY....

Q - What did God say when Eve jumped into the ocean for the first time?
A - It's going to take a million years to get that smell out of the fish.

a man goes to see his doctor

'doctor' he says 'i am bald, and my life is a misery.'

the doctor thinks for a short while and then says to the man 'well, i can offer you three possible treatments'

'one; you could wear a wig'

the man shakes his head, 'a rug feels so stupid, and i'll be laughed at by everyone. women won't go near me if i wear a syrup'

'two; you could have expensive, and painful, hair follicle replacement treatment'

again, the man looks crestfallen 'i haven't the money for such things' he says

'or three; you could try a revolutionary new hair treatment from germany'

the man looks hopefully at his doctor at this news

the doctor continues 'every morning and every evening you smear a woman's vaginal juices into your scalp, working it into the skin. by the end of the week you should have a full head of hair'

the man is flabergasted. 'thank you doctor, thank you! but, may i ask that if you know this why is it that you yourself are still bald?'

'ah' says the doctor, smiling 'i might be bald, but i have one hell of a moustache'


It was supposed to be a BAD joke thread :D
But still most of them made me laugh hard :D

I guess I have a British sense of humor :D
Cleveland said:
Ok first, I HAVE to say sorry to the ladies out there..... but this was SO DAMN FUNNY....

Q - What did God say when Eve jumped into the ocean for the first time?
A - It's going to take a million years to get that smell out of the fish.

Luke and Obi-Wan are in a Chinese restaurant having a meal.

Skillfully using his chopsticks, Obi-Wan deftly dishes himself a large
portion of noodles into his bowl, then tops it off with some chicken
and cashew nuts. All this is done with consummate ease you'd expect
from a Jedi Master.
Poor old Luke is having a nightmare, using his chopsticks in both hands,
dropping his food all over the table and eventually himself.

Obi-Wan looks at Luke disapprovingly and says, "Use the FORKS, Luke."