Bastard professor


Well-Known Member
no .. no you, Prof ... my actual professor ...

I have a Directed Studies class and all I have to do is write a 50-page paper regarding the text. Well, it was due on the 14th (when finals are scheduled) but that bastard changed it to the 8th (the last day of instruction) because DS classes don't actually have an assigned date for finals

:grumpy: could just search for a paper on the internet... :eek:

I know you won't, Na, but you're young, smart, and have a good work ethic, so I'm sure you'll have that paper done in no time. Good luck. :)
ACK! Now I feel guilty cause you think I have strong work ethic and I'm supposed to write this 50-page paper on a text I haven't even started reading yet!

thanks for the good luck wishing :D
the weekend .. the early part of next week ... basically, my life ... lost .. gone ... but here's what I figured ...

I'm going to drink for the next two weeks ... Why? Well, I'll tell you ... as you know, alchohol kills brain cells ... well, as you learn from basic Biology class, it's the weak cells that always die first ... survival of the fittest and all that ... well, if I drink, then all my weak ass brain cells will be killed off, leaving me only with healthy, strong, smart cells ... I should sail right through finals ... *nod*
Hmmm...Just glaze over it, highlighting the strong points, and start from there. No need to try and cram in the whole thing. What class is it, and what book is it...perhaps my addled mind can help. ;)
* Has a 15 page research paper due on the 5th. Has not done research. Has to work all day Sunday. Should pick topic. Topic that Saturday research can be done.

* PS, paper assigned January 20. Time flies.
Mirlyn said:
* Has a 15 page research paper due on the 5th. Has not done research. Has to work all day Sunday. Should pick topic. Topic that Saturday research can be done.

* PS, paper assigned January 20. Time flies.

But you're logging off to go do that now, right?
PuterTutor said:
Mirlyn said:
* Has a 15 page research paper due on the 5th. Has not done research. Has to work all day Sunday. Should pick topic. Topic that Saturday research can be done.

* PS, paper assigned January 20. Time flies.

But you're logging off to go do that now, right?

* has Saturday off. :D
To make matters worse, nalani spent all weekend looking for the textbook she has to write that 50-page paper about.

To make matters worser than that (besides the fact that she can't find the text), the book is not available in the state, it's out of print, and when she ordered it the first time, she had to find it online ... and there were only 2 copies available in the whole online community :eek:

Yup, she's swimming in shit creek :(
She should write a paper about a completely different subject and get all shitty when the prof says the assignment was about something else and DEMAND to be graded on the paper she wrote, because the profs instructions weren't clear.
That's what I'd do. And I'd use a paper from last year too. :D
I'd do one better than that, I'd go out and find a paper that was already written and turn it in, then demand credit.

btw, Na, that seriously sucks hon. Sorry. But hey, at least you don't have to worrry about getting that paper written now, as there's no farking way in hell you're going to get it done anyway....:hairbang:
Has a course profile and experienced teacher visit to write up for Wednesday. Plus write up my journal for the last 6 weeks (oops!). Oh yes and I should be studying my spanish homework at the moment.... tomorrow's gonna be busy. :D

I had a tutorial on friday... I was pleasantly surprised... my grammer is good but my vocabulary sucks, I need to practice lots more words, I just don't remember what I want to say when I'm asked in spanish so I'm going to have to spend plenty of time over the summer practicing.