Well-Known Member
Ok, everyone try and tie this to their personal agendas...quick!
Damnit, if he hadn't killed that guy, I could have had my grass cut by now.

Ok, everyone try and tie this to their personal agendas...quick!
Because it comes down to SEP. Somebody Else's Problem. That, and the "Don't get involved" ideal that permeates any society.
CTVCTV said:Caton gathered a small group of people to go back and help the victim, said CTV correspondent Murray Oliver in Winnipeg.
"They returned to the back of the bus to find that the person who was stabbing the person in the neck had now sawed off the head of (the victim)."
The man, with the head in one hand and the knife in the other, then tried to attack the other passengers, said Oliver.
The group was able to exit the bus and slammed the door behind them.
"He cut (the victim's) head off and then walked up to the door holding it and just looked at them crazy-like and then dropped the head and walked back to the body and started cutting it some more," Olmstead told CTV News from outside a hotel in Brandon, Man., where he and other passengers were taken.
The man was left alone with the body and witnesses say that he performed further indignities to the victim.
"We have word from people on the scene . . . that when the killer was alone with the body . . . that there may have been some small acts of cannibalism on the body," Oliver said.
Why don't they give the drivers each a can of Mace?
Illegal for those of us who aren't officers of the law.Why don't they give the drivers each a can of Mace?
Because it comes down to SEP. Somebody Else's Problem. That, and the "Don't get involved" ideal that permeates any society.
Illegal for those of us who aren't officers of the law.much like tasers.
"Officer, I carry dog spray in my purse in case I am ever attacked by a big dog and when this man came at me that was all I had to defend myself." cop's going to lay charges after that.
So it's not even legal when used in self-defense, so you have to lie about your intentions in carrying it?
In the US, it's sold as a self-defense tool... spraying some random guy with it who wasn't attacking you would be assault and battery.
Illegal for those of us who aren't officers of the law.much like tasers.
So in Canada, you may not protrect yourself? No guns, no mace, no tasers. I bet they respond to 911 calls within seconds & stop the crimes.
As to Canadian law on pepper spray, I can never quite get over the attitude that the common wealth countries have towards self defense. I am glad I have the legal right to defend myself, family, home.