Beheading on a Greyhound bus

The cops are following the cell phone users into the land of digital. Public anal;og airwaves are free domain. Digital signals are a little harder to track. (My brother-in-law is the county head of communications) Soon, it'll be nearly impossible to track police calls.

Already is in most major cities. KC is digital, but we are still using type II trunking here. DEA use special radios to scramble their channels.

Cam's father had a few scanners (was a firefighter) that he would purchase in NY. They got lost in the move here though.
Also, I believe in the states it's legal to have scanners in ones car to trace police activity and hopefully avoid tickets? That is NOT allowed in Canada.

That sounds like a radar detector which is different from a police scanner. Police scanners let you listen to radio transmissions. Lotsa volunteer fire men and EMTs will listen with one, especially in rural areas.
Also, I believe in the states it's legal to have scanners in ones car to trace police activity and hopefully avoid tickets? That is NOT allowed in Canada.

Scanners are legal in most (all?) states. There are some with restrictions. Oklahoma does not allow you to have a scanner in a vehicle, for example.

Besides, scanners don't do anything to avoid tickets. The Sheriff Dept publishes their radar locations for the day/week in the paper, and is also read aloud on FM radio newscasts.
not with a name like Vince Weiguang Li.
Not criminally responsible

WINNIPEG - A man who beheaded a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba has been found not criminally responsible due to mental illness.
Justice John Scurfield says Vince Li's attack on Tim McLean was "grotesque" and "barbaric" but "strongly suggestive of a mental disorder." Li was charged with the second-degree murder, but pleaded not guilty at the start of his trial Tuesday.

Two psychiatrists testified that he is schizophrenic and was hearing a voice he believed was God ordering him to kill McLean because the young man was a force of evil.

Li then beheaded his victim and cut up his body because he was afraid McLean would come back to life.

Scurfield's decision means Li will be treated in a mental institution instead of going to prison
Oh well that explains it! I would have killed any "forces of evil" too. Anyone would have killed the guy, makes perfect sense!