Beheading on a Greyhound bus

I am sure he saw it in print.

Oh, it has been in print since this incident was first reported, other passengers told the media about it. Yesterday or Friday a audio recording of the cops responding to the call was released without their permission or blessing (seriously, this technology age kinda sucks sometimes...that recording should have never been accessible to the general public but it was because someone has an illegal police scanner). I wouldn't listen to the recording but in the transcript they mentioned that the guy was hacking off pieces and eating them :disgust2:

I guess I jumped to the conclusion it was a video because it seems to me that WAY too much info has been released in this case. Passenegers talking to the media within hours of it happening, showing "how his face looked", "how he held the head", etc. and those videos ending up on the internet (wtf, either the cops didn't tell them not to talk to the media and release so many mental images/details or they didn't listen to the cops...either way someone is a dumbass). I feel really bad for the family because this shit is EVERYWHERE and they don't need to hear those details like this.
(wtf, either the cops didn't tell them not to talk to the media and release so many mental images/details or they didn't listen to the cops...either way someone is a dumbass). I feel really bad for the family because this shit is EVERYWHERE and they don't need to hear those details like this.

Its more of a way for them to cleanse themselves,to keep that in wouldn't be good.I blame the media for wanting it and for there not being the right people in place to deal the the issues the witnesses are facing.After a first aid call whether it be a cut finger or a heart attack everybody asks what happened,being legally unable (due to privacy act) to say anything I usually seek out another Attendant or Manager and vent (obviously more so for the more involved cases),I can't imagine having deal with that and just not talking.The cops really have no right to tell the witnesses what they can and can't talk about.
Its more of a way for them to cleanse themselves,to keep that in wouldn't be good.I blame the media for wanting it and for there not being the right people in place to deal the the issues the witnesses are facing.After a first aid call whether it be a cut finger or a heart attack everybody asks what happened,being legally unable (due to privacy act) to say anything I usually seek out another Attendant or Manager and vent (obviously more so for the more involved cases),I can't imagine having deal with that and just not talking.The cops really have no right to tell the witnesses what they can and can't talk about.

Well, they had counselors in place at the hotel where the cops were taking statements and these recordings were made after the people talked to the cops (they say things like "The police just took our statements.") so maybe the people who are talking should have talked to the counselors instead of the media. I understand that they're dealing with a lot but they can't actually think it's a GOOD idea to tell all this shit to cameras instead of to someone trained to help them deal with the issues at hand.
I also blame the media for wanting it. Although, it's not mainstream media showing these's other sites.
When I was stationed in South Carolina many years ago, they had a law preventing the rental of XXX movies on the grounds that it was immoral. However, right there for one and all to rent out was "The Many Faces of Death" Vol. 1-X. For those that don't know, this is a series of video clips showing people dieing for entertainment. I have watched people die and never found it all that entertaining. So, how XXX movies can be considered immoral and getting your jollies off of people's death is OK, just boggles my mind. *puke3*
So is it illegal to have a police scanner in Canada? In the US it's perfectly legal... I sold and programmed quite a few scanners at RadioShack. We have a scanner at the paper that scans the police and fire channels, too. What the cops do is generally public information... if there's something that needs to not be public for investigations or whatever, they have channels they can switch to for that, or they can use cell phones and whatnot.
The cops are following the cell phone users into the land of digital. Public anal;og airwaves are free domain. Digital signals are a little harder to track. (My brother-in-law is the county head of communications) Soon, it'll be nearly impossible to track police calls.
I don't know what kind of communication channels the cops were using but I do know the RCMP released a statement saying they did not give permission for the recordings to be released and they were never intended for public consumption. Kinda sounds like someone got a hold of them despite the police not wishing them to.
Also, I believe in the states it's legal to have scanners in ones car to trace police activity and hopefully avoid tickets? That is NOT allowed in Canada.