Biden v Palin Debate: Debate

Go back & watch it. He looked uncomfortable all night. Keeping himself in check & not sure how far to go. He looked punch drunk without the bruising.
Go back & watch it. He looked uncomfortable all night. Keeping himself in check & not sure how far to go. He looked punch drunk without the bruising.

That's true enough, but she was clearly giving rote answers and had obviously been instructed to evade any question not specifically scripted. It was typical of this kind of thing. Nobody made any glaring errors, nobody made any real points. :shrug: Well, except in your imagination.
Has the Democrat controlled Congress gotten out of single digits yet?

Too many republicans still left.

She talked to her voters. not to the media. She told 'em she was gonna do it. She had Joe a welterweight boxer keeping a heavy weight off his game. Not a lot of damage but irritating as hell & makes teh heavyweight look bad. Considering he has over 30 years debate experience , she kicked his ass.


She looked bad the entire night. She could answer the questions so she completely just changed the subject. Biden did all the damage, polls and analysis after the debate confirm that.

He kicked her ass. About the only thing you can say for her is that many people expected her to do even worse. Still she was the clear loser by far.
Biden did all the damage, polls and analysis after the debate confirm that.

And we all know how objective the media is.

i cant wait to laugh at you when your savior tucks tail and crawls back into his chicago mansion
we the people have been fooled since reagan

america has had the following true men of vision as leaders

jeff davis defeated though he was

add a few names liek howard baker and ron paul who never got the positions theydeserved and thats it. maybe a dozen men of vision amd honor. what alegacy
That's because they were voted in to get us the hell out of Iraq and they haven't done jack shit. Both approval ratings will drop even more now.

"It's amazing, you know, she's been thrust into the national spotlight with very little preparation and I think that, all things considered, you saw a very composed and effective debater last night," said Hillary Clinton
What you're missing here, Cerise, is that Hillary wants them to win. She just can't come right out and say so out loud.
You bet'cha. ;)

Hill wants to run in four years. If Obama gets in it could be an eight year wait.
Out of the four of the candidates, Palin is my pick. I detected a few areas where she had to put out the McCain stance but wasn't comfortable with them. McCain is a country club Republican and I am not on board with them.

My main concern, though, is that Obama picks a Supreme Cout judge. Another Ginsburg on there and then we will have passed the point of no return. Private property will become a thing of the past. As Obama said... "You can't just drive your SUV, eat whatever you want, keep your house at 72 degrees, and think that that's OK".

This would give Obama a chance to implement his founding father's principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Maybe he can get Roe V Wade amended to match his philosophy where if a baby is born alive but unwanted by the mother, the doctor will be required to beat it to death with a stick in order to protect the mother's right to privacy.
That's because they were voted in to get us the hell out of Iraq and they haven't done jack shit.

I only partly agree with your premise. Many votes were for pull-out but I think it was mostly a backlash at Bush.

As for having done nothing....they entered Congress with $1.75/G gas, Dow Jones was hanging around the mid to upper 12000's, unemployment was under 5% & Congress' approval was in the low 40's. careful what you wish for.
i cant wait to laugh at you when your savior tucks tail and crawls back into his chicago mansion

Looks like you're gonna have to wait 4 or 8 years for that. :laugh:

Your savior will be heading back to one of his mansions pretty soon tho'.
So under the strange things that happen ...

Today I'm at my register schmoozing the customer and we were talking about the debate. I mentioned the "Bosniak" comment by Biden and how I thought it was funny that he misspoke that way.

The next customer walks up and says "What was this you were saying about Bosnia?" He had an accent that was definitely East European.

I told him that Biden had used the word "Bosniak" instead of "Bosnian" in the debate.

He then said "I am from Bosnia and Bosniak is me."

After a bit of back-and-forth, I asked "You mean that Bosniak is you in the first person?"

He said "Yes. I am Bosniak and group is Bosnian."

So what happened the other night is that Biden didn't make up a new word. Bosniak is a real word but he merely used it in the wrong context.

Now is that some screwy shit that a guy would walk up to my register who was Bosnian and hear the only time in the entire day that I mentioned the debate and the word Bosniak? Small world, eh?
Today I'm at my register schmoozing the customer and we were talking about the debate. I mentioned the "Bosniak" comment by Biden and how I thought it was funny that he misspoke that way.

Now is that some screwy shit that a guy would walk up to my register who was Bosnian and hear the only time in the entire day that I mentioned the debate and the word Bosniak? Small world, eh?

It's almost as if you hadn't been corrected days ago on the word Bosniak.

Weird huh?

Imagine how many customers you could have mislead with false information lying to the public throughout your day. It's like it's dangerouos to the country having you bag groceries. Someone should have a talk with your manager.