Bin Laden warns of new attacks inside US: Al Jazeera


Well-Known Member
Not much in the way of details yet...fresh off the ticker!
Reuters) - Warning comes in audio tape, the TV network says. Bin Laden says new attacks are under preparation, Al Jazeera says. Details to follow.
on the heels of pissing off the Pakistanis. Hmmm, who's coming to dinner?
He's pouting that he's running 5th fiddle in the news behind American Idol, Lost, the Winter Olympics, the Alito hearings, and Dora the Explorer reruns.
unclehobart said:
He's pouting that he's running 5th fiddle in the news behind American Idol, Lost, the Winter Olympics, the Alito hearings, and Dora the Explorer reruns.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA so true!!!! :rofl3:
unclehobart said:
He's pouting that he's running 5th fiddle in the news behind American Idol, Lost, the Winter Olympics, the Alito hearings, and Dora the Explorer reruns.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to unclehobart again.
It never ceases to amaze me how few actually notice this as a defining motivation of terrorists of all stripes. They won't take a shit if they don't think it'll get media coverage.
Osama bin Laden warned that al Qaeda was preparing new attacks inside the United States, but said the group was open to a conditional truce with Americans, according to an audio tape attributed to him on Thursday.

It was the first purported tape by bin Laden since 2004. Al Jazeera television, which aired the tape, said it was recorded in December.

"The operations are under preparation and you will see them in your houses as soon as they are complete, God willing," said the speaker on the tape, who sounded like bin Laden.

A CIA official in Washington said U.S. intelligence analysts have authenticated the audio tape as a genuine message from bin Laden following a "a technical analysis."

In the tape, bin Laden said al Qaeda was willing to "respond" to U.S. public opinion in favor of withdrawing troops from Iraq. He did not specify conditions for the truce, but indicated that it was linked to U.S. troops quitting Iraq.

"Based on the substance of the polls, which indicate Americans do not want to fight Muslims on Muslim land, nor do they want Muslims to fight them on their land, we do not mind offering a long-term truce based on just conditions that we will stand by," he said.

"There is nothing wrong with this solution except that it deprives the influential people and warlords in America from hundreds of billions of dollars, -- those who supported Bush's election campaign with billions of dollars."

Responding to the truce offer, the White House said that the United States "does not negotiate with terrorists."

Bin Laden offered a similar truce to Europe in a tape in April 2004 but not to the United States.

Al Jazeera declined to give any details about how it obtained the tape and an editor said there was a reference in the recording that indicated it had been made in December.


In the brief segments aired, bin Laden ridiculed U.S. President George W. Bush for misreading public opinion which he said showed the American people wanted U.S. forces to quit Iraq.

He also said Iraq had become a recruiting ground for militants. Al Qaeda in Iraq, led by close bin Laden ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is one of several groups fighting U.S.-led forces in Iraq. U.S. and Iraqi officials say many of their members are non-Iraqis.

"Your President is misinterpreting public opinion polls which show that the vast majority of you support the withdrawal of your forces from Iraq," bin Laden said.

"He (Bush) disagreed with this desire and said the withdrawal of troops will give the wrong message to the enemy and that it is better to fight them on their ground than on our ground."

"Reality shows that the war against the U.S. and its allies is not just restricted to Iraq as he claims, but Iraq has become a gravitational point and a recruiting ground for qualified (mujahideen)," he added.

Analyst Mustafa Alani said bin Laden's message was part of his psychological warfare against Washington.

"I don't believe they have the capacity now to carry out a major operation, especially in the United States... The value is not what he is saying, the value is that he is still alive."


Bin Laden's last audio tape was in December 2004. The interval between then and now is his longest public silence since al Qaeda's September 11 attacks on the United States in 2001.

Saudi-born bin Laden and his right-hand man, Ayman al-Zawahri, are believed to be hiding in a mountainous area on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

On Thursday, Pakistani intelligence sources said four top al Qaeda militants were believed to have been killed in a U.S. air strike last week which U.S. officials say was aimed at Zawahri.

"The timing of its airing is interesting, to say the least," a U.S. counterterrorism official said.

"It could be an effort to demonstrate that bin Laden is still out there and still a force to be reckoned with. It may have been aired now to provide some reassurance to the jihadist community after last Friday's air strike in Pakistan."

Daniel Benjamin, a U.S. terrorism expert, said bin Laden had offered truces before.

"I would interpret this as bin Laden saying, one way in which you can bow your knee to us, either before or after these attacks, is with some kind of truce," he said. (Additional reporting by David Morgan and Caroline Drees in Washington and Mark Trevelyan in Berlin)
The rest of the that it's in place.
When I read the transcript of the tape the big thing that ran through my mind was this is nothing but propaganda.

OK if he has it so good why look for a truce....
there are a couple of people that are suspiciously quiet in this thread. Maybe they don't want to overstate their shared opinoins.

Read the transcript & see how right your President is (it's awfully hard to get a decent, full transcript).

He's saying, you ran in Somalia, you'll run again. I have faith in your liberals to fuck this war up too.
I heard something last night from a guy that was on FNC that made a very
valid, chilling point.
If they hit us hard again right now, where the hell are we going to strike back at?
He then spoke nothing but the truth, and it's sad, but true....
He said we haven't "really" "won" a war since 1945. The reason,
"civilian casualties doesn't matter as much as winning it then, and now..."

If we really want to win this thing, policy is going to have to change, get dirty,
get mean, and just fuck a bunch of people up.
There, I said it.
We haven't won a war since 45? Coulda swore we've won about 20 since then. I'm sorry if he feels that surgical strikes or 100 hour operational windows doesn't constitute a war.
catocom said:
I heard something last night from a guy that was on FNC that made a very
valid, chilling point.
If they hit us hard again right now, where the hell are we going to strike back at?
He then spoke nothing but the truth, and it's sad, but true....
He said we haven't "really" "won" a war since 1945. The reason,
"civilian casualties doesn't matter as much as winning it then, and now..."

If we really want to win this thing, policy is going to have to change, get dirty,
get mean, and just fuck a bunch of people up.
There, I said it.
I've been saying it all along, cat. The only way to win is to step on their throats and make them capitulate. If we're not going to do that (and obviously, we won't) then why did we go to war in the first place?
unclehobart said:
We haven't won a war since 45? Coulda swore we've won about 20 since then. I'm sorry if he feels that surgical strikes or 100 hour operational windows doesn't constitute a war.
Yeah I guess it's how you classify "war".
I don't even know if war has been "declared" since then.
I still think we should nuke the mountains in Afganistan....just turn um intro planes of glass.

You don't see too many Japanese terrorist here do ya?
"We're NOT SAFE (and never will be) since he's preparing new attacks but we're making PROGRESS since he's offering a truce which means he's weakening"

Now tell me this who will benefit from this message most?

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Do you really think Bin Laden is an idiot and just suddenly tells us intricate details of his battle plan? What is the intention here?
The intention is to get his face in the news again so that his legend never dies. He is looking to stir up radical support from those who are angry and yet not angry enough to do the car bombing thing. He's trying to kick the beehive a bit. The last 4 years have been little more than a Pancho Villa bughunt.