Oh, just drag her into the stock room and do her already, for Christ's sake. You're making my teeth itch.
Maybe you need to brush

Oh, just drag her into the stock room and do her already, for Christ's sake. You're making my teeth itch.
That's plain stupid.
So how's your work going, little girl? (to change the subject) How about we get a recap of your day. Any cute IT guys at this place?
I'm 5'5" and I do it regularly.
See, that's where you say "Get the fuck out of my car you ignorant son of a bitch."
Some people are jerks...and when they're jerks they're not magically one day gonna respect you cause you're nice so you have to make them realize you're not gonna put up with their shit...then atleast they'll stop jerking you around so much...they likely still won't respect you cause they'll think you're somehow doing wrong by them or some shit but atleast they'll know you're not gonna put up with them...who cares what they think of you anyway if they're a jerk.
It kinda sucks, in the morning, it's cold, need to do jackets, heat, there's fog on the windows.
Then in the afternoon, it's hot, need to have the windows down.
Fucker smoked in my car. Without asking. Without putting the windows down and the vents on full.
My girl has told me a few times that he used to pull that shit on her, until she told him "no."
From now on, I'm going to do the same thing.