Bitch about work thread.

So how's your work going, little girl? (to change the subject) How about we get a recap of your day. Any cute IT guys at this place?
That's plain stupid.

You, her, and I are in agreement.

It's one thing if you clock in and just fuck around all day, but she really works hard.

If people want to think that she's a bitch and not be friends with her, that's their loss.
So how's your work going, little girl? (to change the subject) How about we get a recap of your day. Any cute IT guys at this place?

I'm working right now home...I'm SWAMPED this week, it's INSANE. If this keeps going on I'm gonna have to hand off one of my projects...problem is everyone else is swamped too so handing anything off is gonna be a challenge.

My day...I got to work for 8:30am cleaned up a whole bunch of backed up work (things to be faxed, emails to be sent, things to be filed, site visit reports to be circulated to other project team members that I needed to write photo comments for)...I then went to site (a job where we're restoring some HUGE arched windows on a historic building, it's super cool)...then I went back to the office, sent some more emails, got some contracts and other documents ready to go out the door, had a quick lunch at my desk while updating some reports, quick meeting to decide what to do with some unexpected conditions at a job where we're doing balcony repairs, went through some drawings trying to find info about how the above mentioned arched windows are anchored into the limestone of the building, went out to site to a roofing job reviewed what they were doing there...left there about 5:30ish...ran to the grocery store, had some dinner, browsed the web a bit...been working on and off since 7:30pm trying to get some stuff finished for a report that needs to go out...

No cute IT guys
See, that's where you say "Get the fuck out of my car you ignorant son of a bitch."

Some people are jerks...and when they're jerks they're not magically one day gonna respect you cause you're nice so you have to make them realize you're not gonna put up with their shit...then atleast they'll stop jerking you around so much...they likely still won't respect you cause they'll think you're somehow doing wrong by them or some shit but atleast they'll know you're not gonna put up with them...who cares what they think of you anyway if they're a jerk.

well, yes and no.

sure this guy sounds like a jerk ..and he should ask an all and at least wind down the window - that's a given.

But i just wonder - Altron - did ye say owt?

Cus' if ye didn't there's a problem right there - maybe not this bloke, but someone else - maybe they were just pre-occupied?

sure- it's a basic politeness- no doubt about it - but if it's an issue- you gotta say- no two ways!

Esp with a jerk - either ask first ye prick, or ok - but wind down da window!

But say, man!

best, BB
*begins wondering again how long it takes for 2007 OTC BBQ to turn into 2007 OTC muffdive orgy...
It kinda sucks, in the morning, it's cold, need to do jackets, heat, there's fog on the windows.

Then in the afternoon, it's hot, need to have the windows down.

Now that it is kinda getting cold, you can wear a jacket, which is kinda nice. I have this nice leather one, and the girl I like has this really nice kaki one that she looks really pretty in.
It kinda sucks, in the morning, it's cold, need to do jackets, heat, there's fog on the windows.

Then in the afternoon, it's hot, need to have the windows down.


Damn you're young. Too young to realize opportunity when you see it.
Fucker smoked in my car. Without asking. Without putting the windows down and the vents on full.

My girl has told me a few times that he used to pull that shit on her, until she told him "no."
From now on, I'm going to do the same thing.

Get up to a good speed, then hit his safety-belt release and the brakes at the same time while screaming "BRAKE CHECK". Once is usually enough.

For those who do not know...I'm a smoker, but I do not smoke in my car...nor do I smoke in anyone elses vehicle.
I'm not gonna be an asshole about it, I'm just going to let him know that he will never be recieving transportation from me ever again.