Bitch about work thread.

Prof, sometimes I just don't get what you're talking about. Can you provide some more explaination on your previous comment?
I could, but it simply wouldn't make any sense to you.

Ok, I'll try.

How do wimmen dress when it's like this? a heavy jacket ... and a light shirt. They'll usually sweat wearing that jacket, and really want to take it off .....

Amongst other opportunities ....

She seemed to only have a very thin t-shirt under it, when I was talking to her on Monday.

The work shirts are kinda heavy too, and she doesn't wear a shirt under them either.


This is so exciting.
I'm going to ask her out. I was going to before, but I lost my nerve. I've spent a lot of time with her this week, and enjoyed it. I know that she's single, and I really like her. I'm off tonight, and so is she, and hopefully she doesn't have any plans.
Old trick. Buy two tickets to somewhere. Have them in hand when you ask. The old "I won two tickets, wanna go?" works well.
I'm going to ask her out. I was going to before, but I lost my nerve. I've spent a lot of time with her this week, and enjoyed it. I know that she's single, and I really like her. I'm off tonight, and so is she, and hopefully she doesn't have any plans.

You know, you have a time frame to ask her out. Pass that time and she will lose any interest in you and will put you in the "good friend I don't want to spoil the friendship" area, which actually means no sexual attraction because you don't have balls.
In England, we have more time-honoured, subtle and sophisticated techniques ...

try getting her drunk mate ...

but if you can resist - don't shag her on the first date - be a Suave gentleman - just ask her out the next night! ;)

But ya gotta get the balls thing going on or as Luis said you'll never know... and redundant balls is like monkey round yer neck ... and spanking yer neck is not advised, nor fruitful ...

you seem like a sound fella Altron ... but sometimes ye gotta cut to the chase ... and then, appear intent, but soild and not rushed.

**edit - i meant solid ..not soiled - oops


anyway ..goodluck!
Is it just me ... or does Altron appear to have a whole multi generational online family of Uncles ..and er- of course Aunties ... ;) (generally well meaning) giving him their tips?

best, Uncle BB :D
Couple comments...

Prof: Re: Scraping car...I've had to deal with fogged up and dewy windows for a few weeks I jump in my car and turn the key, hit the wiper lever to get the dew off my window and it's freaking frost! Luckily some window wash made quick time of it but it's only a matter of time...I should buy a snow brush and scrapper this weekend I guess :(

BB: Re: "Aunts and Uncles" that's how it always is for the teens/young adults. These guys have given me some awesome advise in the over 6 years I've known some of them...I may not have thought so at the time but looking back it was the best advice anyone coulda given me. I'm glad I've had them there for me through everything :)
Well, she already had plans for tonight.

It's just kinda weird, I feel like a slut. There's the girl I like, and there's also the new girl, who people think that I like. I was talking to the girl I like, and this dude says right to our faces "Dude, you can't flirt with the new girl but then talk to the old one, you're going to make them both jealous and won't get either of them."

And then all the guys there want to get me hammered, and the girl who doesn't like the girl that I like is trying to get me to hang out with her, and then I'm constantly harrassed about being a 'pimp' and how I should bang the new girl.

It's all so fucked up.

And yea, Luis, good point. I keep trying, but she usually has plans or something. I guess I just gotta say it, whether or not she has plans.
I keep trying, but she usually has plans or something. I guess I just gotta say it, whether or not she has plans.

Put her in an unavoidable situation, then you'll know for sure.

- "hey do you want to go to watch a movie?"
- "maybe later, today I'm busy"
- "ohh didn't mean today, but let's set a date"

Watch her make up some excuse or accept.