Bitch about work thread.

Typically arrive at 7:45 AM, classes begin at 8:00 AM and run until 2:30, traffic at the parking lot, usually out at 2:45, about seven hours all in all, monday through friday.

OK so you're including lunch and everything in the hours...not hours of class.
There was such a thing as 2.5-mm headphones before cell phones. Those kind of headphones aren't real common, but Radioshack sells an adapter that lets you plug a 3.5 mm plug into a 2.5 mm jack.
Ok, fine. 44 minutes of lunch (which is pretty much spent on doing schoolwork). 6 hours and 16 minutes of classes. Happy?
She was kinda in an emotional tizzy today. Lotsa people been talkin' smack 'bout mah woman.

She was rather pissed off, and I was trying to cheer her up, and figured that it wasn't the best time.

I'm making excuses, I know, but she was quite unhappy. If she's very emotional over something, in a bad way, that's not a good time to ask, right?
So, what do you guys think the best way to deal with this is?

A few people think my girl is riding the clock, and they're jealous because she gets a decent schedule, and because of her looks. They talk shit about her behind her back, and make it a pretty shitty place for her to work.

She's feeling down because of it, and I hate to see her sad. I've been trying to cheer her up, but these toolbags keep messing with her.

The problem is, most of them are wimmins, which rules out any sort of physical fight.

How do I stick up for my girl?

The thing is, our schedules only overlap for about an hour or two a day. I could tell them to stop being assholes to her, but I have no control over whether they do or don't while I'm not there.
You don't need to be there for her all the time, she needs to have a stand on her own.
So, what do you guys think the best way to deal with this is?

A few people think my girl is riding the clock, and they're jealous because she gets a decent schedule, and because of her looks. They talk shit about her behind her back, and make it a pretty shitty place for her to work.

She's feeling down because of it, and I hate to see her sad. I've been trying to cheer her up, but these toolbags keep messing with her.

The problem is, most of them are wimmins, which rules out any sort of physical fight.

How do I stick up for my girl?

The thing is, our schedules only overlap for about an hour or two a day. I could tell them to stop being assholes to her, but I have no control over whether they do or don't while I'm not there.

Frankly, I agree with Luis. I'd console her with a few mind-altering orgasms and she'd get over the retards at work on her own.
Half the store treats her like a complete bitch, for a completely insignificant reasons. It's been going on since she started, but it's gotten really bad in the past two months.

She says that it makes her feel really bad, and I agree. I've been telling her that they're just jealous shitheads, and that she shouldn't let it get to them, but when I mentioned that I stuck up for her a little bit on Sunday, she really brightened up.

I'm going to ask her out today. I'll let Gautam know how it goes, and he can post it.
Should we really believe anything he types about it? Frankly, if Bish asked me to make a post like that, it would start something like "he asked her out, and she screamed sexual harrassment, and when he touched her, she cold cocked him, kicked him in the nuts, and screamed rape. He's being arraigned Thursday."
That's a good point. Hit the "send e-mail to user" button, send me something, and I'll log into my e-mail and reply with how it goes.

*we have filtering on the machines at work, and they're all shared computers, and we only go to a handful of websites on a regular basis so we hit the dropdown box a lot, wouldn't want to even think about visiting from work.

Yahoo, OTOH, I can log in and let you know.
T, this is a retail store full of idiot employess for the most part. They are jealous because she is successful at what she does and is thusly rewarded. There really isn't anything you can do about it. They are petty and nothing you say is going to change that. Be there for her and stand up for her when someone says something in your presence...but when it comes right down to it you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it stop being an immature petty fuckwit.
Ok, fine. 44 minutes of lunch (which is pretty much spent on doing schoolwork). 6 hours and 16 minutes of classes. Happy?

That's still a lot of hours!

I restate my accusation that New Jersey schools are slave drivers.
In September, Spirit told me to ask her out with an e-card. I didn't listen to that advice at the time, but it seemed very good today. We have an instore messaging system, and I sent her a quick message asking if she wanted to see "The Departed" on Thursday, and telling her to think about it and that I would call tomarrow.

She seems to be rather resigned about the whole issue now. She thinks that they're petty and stupid, and she's going to try to avoid them. I agreed that it's a good idea.

I just feel so much better now that I've actually asked (or at least conveyed that request in a nonverbal form). I'm really excited to see what she says.
6 hours and 20 minutes for my high school as well. :shrug:

We did 8.45am till 4.30pm with 45 minutes for lunch and 2x 15 minute breaks, mid-morning and mid-afternoon.... 6 hours 30 minutes... yeah sounds about right.

One of the schools I went to used to go to put us through exams at the end of each term/semester... the lowest I came in any subject was 8th in my year... mind you it was an all girls school... no distractions. The first sememster I was there we'd just arrived back in the UK from living in Germany for 4 1/2 years so they put me in the stream for average kids as they didn't have our school records. I swept the board, 1st in everything, so they moved me into the stream for bright kids... I still came first in english and math, 3rd in science. I can't remember what the 8th place was for, but I know it really bugged me cos I rarely came lower than 4th usually. My sister's friends didn't like me much either 'cos they were in the average stream and I was a "swot". The trials of youth... :)
Should I call on my lunch at 11:30 or after school at 3:00?

I'm nervous... and Sawhney89 is too busy smoking pot and cutting school to show up and provide me some moral support during homeroom and 4th and 5th periods.