well, never mind
mystic Luis 
fer the moment ... i guess ya don't (didn't) get
mystic meg over there???
digress? ........ me ...??
mmmm .. ok ...
whatever the utlimate result,
Altron -it's a good start - and as ye say - ain't a bad result -
chin up!
but - really - what's this girl like?
i mean is she reallt cute? ..does she know it? ...just curious - objectively -why do so many co-wokers thus take against her?
just curious?
but goodluck! (not really into soap operas - but
reality soap operas with a genuine sounding fella ..
well -
if we can help ... or at least cheer ya up (god forbid it comes to that)
best, BB
Well, she got hired last November, which makes her a relatively new hire.
She didn't get along too well with her boss. She had full time availability, but only part time hours, and mostly nights and weekends. She's got a college degree, but hasn't had luck findin' a job in a more specific field. She only has one job, so she needs enough hours to pay for her car, her food, etc. (lives with her parents).
Around the summer, they were jerking her around real badly. They'd have her work like 12 hours a week, and since she was part time, she didn't have any health insurance or stuff like that.
Then, management got bent over and had to take it in the ass. Fully half of the department either quit or transferred to a different department over the span of about three weeks in August.
We had a dude who was in charge of the music section, which meant organizing it, which is far more difficult than it sounds. He transferred to another department.
Anyway, we reached the point where we only had one person in the department available to work from 10-5 on Monday through Friday, and it was her. They put her in charge of the section, and she's getting a steady 30-40 hours a week.
(We have very flexibile scheduling, and a lot of people complain that they don't get scheduled for enough hours)
So, a lot of other people are jealous as hell, because they think that she has a really easy job with a lot of hours, which isn't true at all. She might get 30-40 hours a week, but she is all by herself, it's hard for her to take breaks, and there are quite a few assholes who call out and then she gets stuck working a 12 hour shift. She has to organize the whole section while helping customers AND other departments. It's a tough job.
She says that she's never gotten along that well with the other girls there, because she's pretty good lookin', and a bit of a tomboy. She's said that she has never gotten along with the 'popular' girls.
The girl who is the problem the most is one of the CSA quasi-managers. Apparantly, she used to have my girl's job, and is kinda jealous that she no longer does. She also told my girl that she doesn't like her because she takes attention away from herself.
And, as a result of very unreliable coworkers, she gets stuck working double shifts quite often.
People see that she's pulling 35-40 hours a week, and cry foul, because they're not getting a lot of hours. They say that she's riding the clock. I say that they're jealous and petty assholes. They're not even in the same damn department, so it's not like they would have more hours if she didn't work as much.
They really hold it against her, and talk about her behind her back, which irritates her, and irritates me.
She's just a really nice person. I really like her a lot. She's fun to be around and interesting to talk to. She's totally awesome.