bitchslapping vs. nippletwisting

*pictures Martin in a pink thong*

pssst! Martin! I'll show you mine if you show me yours! :D
*sneaks back into the conversation, only to be scared to death seeing shadowfax in a pink thong*

*wakes up and hears the sound of an ambulance coming this way*

*hears the ambulance hitting the brakes, turning around and driving away like a maniac, guess they saw shadowfax too*
I don't really wear thongs, though. I mean...only when otherwise you would have an VPL...

(Visible Panty Line :D )

...but I don't get girls who wear thongs ALL the time. :confuse3:
I would only wear thongs all the time if someone paid me [Dr Evil voice]One hundred billion dollars!!! MWAHAHAHAHA![/Dr Evil voice]

I don't mind them too much but still wouldn't want to wear them ALL the time! A friend of mine ALWAYS Wears them (except during that time of the month) because her bf likes them more than regular underwear! I woudln't change my type ofunderwear for a guy no matter how much I loved him! If there was something he REALLY like I might wear it SOMETIMES (depending on what it was) but I wouldn't wear it all the time! A girl's gotta have variety!
Luis G said:
you sure there's no reason? ;)

*hides from IPH*

I just found your marathon run on the 1000 post thread highly amusing, and felt like shouting your name at an annoying loud volume.

IPH is on the phone.


*all the little children come out of their hiding places*
the board got extremely slow on that marathon, i thought it was going to crash the thread (like it happened on the first 1000 post thread).
Gato_Solo said:
Hey. No prancing like that in front of the house-boy. It makes his towel get smaller... ;)

*grabs gato's towel and whips him with it*

*not caring that I don't have yeeshbah previliges*
*barely able to talk*

I ... am ... *sniff* .. I .. have never been ... so proud of my friends .. in all my life ... *sniff* ... *sniff*


*bitchslaps Luis and twists his nipples too because I like it like that*