
Winky said:
Actually I'm such a wimp I fired up the natural gas
central heat last night, it dropped to 69F in my house Brrrrrrr

Of course last months gas bill was $21.50 for the whole month...

I yell at my roommates when they turn the thermostat above 65 in the winter.
Nixy said:
It's 6 here and I think that is B-E-A-U-Tful

Ok seriously...6 this morning was nice...a long sleeve t-shirt and light spring coat was comfy...when I went out to my night class I put on my wool coat and some thin gloves and a scarf planning for the slight drop in temperature by the time I was ready to head home...I was comfy on the way to school...on my way home at 10pm I was FREEZING! The weather changes so rapidly...if it's gonna be cold then it needs to be constant so I don't get stuck at school without the proper warmth clothing.
Mornings are around 7ºC and by mid day it is around 33ºC, talk about crazy weather.
-1°C here in Luxembourg... I love it! See my other thread. Or actually don't... here is the image:


1°C 2°C -1°C -6°C

Snowsqualls Snowsqualls Snowsqualls Snowsqualls

I'll be here in my toque and mitties :(
0C this morning. Wasn't too bad, but the "light breeze" they described felt like it was gonna rip my skin off.
It seems quite nice out here right now with a light jacket on.
This is thew kind or weather I like. :)
Professur said:
So tell me again,HL, about how so terribly cold it is up here ...... nearly 20C yesterday.

We'll get within a couple of that as a high. Talk to me again in February, when you're ass deep in snow and I'm running around in what you'd call short-sleeves weather.
And I'll post a photo of me out in that ass deep snow wearing a tshirt and jeans. You can't wear a parka while shovelling, y'know.
I'll send ya one back of me bundled up while it rains in the background. We don't get snow here, but what we do get is bitter, damp, and 34 degrees F.

And then, out of nowhere, you'll catch a 60 degree day.
Professur said:
So tell me again,HL, about how so terribly cold it is up here ...... nearly 20C yesterday.

*mutters profanities*

It's -3 here to a high of like 8 yesterday but that didn't last long...8 is nice though...if it would stay that way. This morning when I woke up it was cold in my apartment for the first time this year...I hate that first bitter cold morning...get in the shower and forget to turn the heat lamp on cause I'm not used to the cold...then I get out of the shower and I'm even colder cause I'm wet...NOT fun.
The Icy Parlimentary Established Liberal Governement of Canadistan Where winter hardly ever ends & we don't mind®