Thulsa Doom said:Good job canucks! i lift a molsen in your defiance of discrimination.
Winky said:"Canada's Supreme Court ruled Thursday that gay marriage was constitutional"
Hey can one of you Canucks up there help me out and show me where in your constitution is sez that?
As soon as you do I'll show you the part about abortion in ours...
freako104 said:Roe V Wade. too late![]()
Because God said so. Plain and simple. Denying the truth in God's word is what's absurd.
You have your ideology and I have mine. Kahlil Gibran
" I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit.Kahlil Gibran"
tank girl said:*everything she said*
tank girl said:OH and I believe that HOMOSEXUALITY is largely determined at birth, and so pleas explain to me as to how that can be "fixed". It is most definately an inherent part of an Identity and unfortunatly there is no "pill" you can take to make you "straight" because by being "gay" you're "sick".
tankgirl said:oh, what... I know....wouldn't the solution be to have a "gay-o-meter" scan with an ultrasound and abort where the blueprint points to "GAY"?
If god disagrees with gay people then tell me WHY did he create them? to suffer eternal hatred and homophobia from the very people that feel they are superior enough to preach let alon understand what "he" (or arguably, "she") meant through his/her word???
tankgirl said:Saying that Gays don't have the right to be married is just as stupid to me as saying that people with Blue eyes can't.
tankgirl said:besides, I can probably guess that there are probably more fuck-ups in heterosexual marriage these days than there would be in committed homosexual relationships. In my opinion, men and women were NEVER really meant to be "married" in the first place: to me its NOT natural: its a retarded piece of patriachal crap (designed to treat women as chattels and to exchange and make babies - which has loooong passed its used by date.
now I've really done it *sigh
Gato_Solo said:[rant]'ve got issues about this, don't you? Not only that, this last section is filled with what you believe, and what you do not believe. Just because you've had some bad relationships, throw the whole idea of marriage out the window. It doesn't work for you, so get rid of it entirely. How sad and pathetic. Just so you know, my ex-wife treated me like crap, but you don't see me saying that marriage is a bad thing. It's not. Marrying the wrong person, for the wrong reasons is what's wrong with marriage. It has nothing to do with 'patriarchal crap', as you put it. It has to do with having the inner strength to fully trust, and love someone for the rest of your life. Most people don't do that. They only live in the 'ME, ME, ME' world of existence, and never see how they destroy the very fabric of society with their selfishness and greed. They always look at what the neighbor has with envy, instead of what they have with joy. You talk about a lot of lunacy that we call marriage today, and claim that's what it's about. I tell you what. The reason marriage is so fucked up is because divorce is so easy. The society created by our 1960's 'sexual revolution' only made matters worse. How many marriages would be fucked up if you couldn't get a divorce? Better yet, how many fucked up people would get married if they knew they couldn't get out of it? That's exactly what happened with liberal divorce every fuck-up in the world can get married, and then clog up the court system with their divorce. Pull your head out of your butt, and stop blaming God for the problems people of your ilk started.[/rant]
K62 said:How ya doing Leslie!
Hows the weather been up in Barrie?
Leslie said:I just sorely misoverestimated the temperature and took my kids to school with no mitts, 3/4 length pants and backless shoes.
No snow is staying as yet tho
How is it where you are?