Canada 'can permit gay marriage'

Winky said:
OK we know people are born 'of color' (and that’s not a behavior) and now we know that people are born homosexual so when will they begin to stop discriminating against pedophiles and change the constitution er I mean find in the constitution where it's OK to doink them luscious teenagers Yum.

well first off doinking them luscious teenagers doesnt make you a pedophile so get your definitions straight. it just makes you a statuatory rapest at best. which is vastly different from forcing a 5 year old to have sex. and to answer your question they will continue to discriminate against pedophiles because acting on pedophilic impulses is a crime. because it HARMS another person. being gay harms no one. just as same sex marriages harm no one. its really not very complicated...
Common sense? Common sense is the ability to look before you cross the street to determine if your going to be road kill or not. Common sense is the ability to determine if stealing is right or wrong. Common sense is the ability to read the directions before using the product. Common sense is the ability to make a sound reasonable judgment. It has absolutely nothing to do at all with religious beliefs. Having faith has nothing to do with your version of common sense.

Respect and criticism? Are these two words even comparable?

Sensitive? No, you have your views and those very views I respect. I'm not going to go into my thoughts on Nietzsche. Now sensitive and respect may be more likely comparable than criticism and respect. The only truth is God? Yes, the Bible is true. That's doesn't mean I'm a narrow minded person with a one track mind. Am I gullible? No, gullible is believing everything that one sees. I don't. As a matter of fact, I used to be quite like yourself, and only recently felt my life needed a change. I’ve seen and done shit in this world you’ll never see or beg you’ll never have to see. I could go into great detail here but that would prove nothing. Am I a better person? No. Does this make me a more “enlightened” individual? No. Do I think I’m going to heaven? I have no idea. Do I think your going to hell? I have no idea. I never said you were to begin with. Don’t assume, I don't like being made ass of anymore than you do.

I have no misunderstanding here. You do. It's the hypocrisy of yourself. You claim to respect yet you lie by continued bashing of a religion and one's beliefs you know very little about. It’s not about if my beliefs are right or wrong. My point all along here has been about how little respect you show to a person who is religious.

Nobody has spoon fed me anything. You’re assuming to much here again. I read the Bible using my own mind and generate my own thoughts and perceptions. You read Nietzsche. Great. I'm not saying anything wrong about Nietzsche. I read it when I was in college. I'm not going to base my life on it though, and I'm not going to bash it either.

Preaching? Now you're accussing me. Do you even know the meaning of the word? Preaching is when a person explains the gospel. It's when a person explains the gospel and tries to enlighten others to its meaning. I’m not preaching anything to you and never have. I never have so stop lying.

Look, you have your own opinion and I have mine. I would rather not continue this going back and forth because it'll probably just get more and more nasty. All I'm asking is that you show a little respect for my beliefs and stop grouping all Christians together.
Money, Money, Money....

"Toronto is for lovers."

It may not be the most original slogan for the city with a heart, but it might be the most appropriate. If Parliament votes to allow same sex marriage in January, the city could reap a huge benefit in tourism.

Toronto has already received a ton of publicity in the U.S. and around the world, after thousands of gay couples rushed here to take advantage of the fact they could legally tie the knot at City Hall.

The suggestion: market the G.T.A. as a sort of Las Vegas north, where couples who want to get hitched can do so without a hitch.

And because many gay and lesbian couples don’t have children, they often have a lot of disposable income. That makes them a desirable market for merchants.
this is retarded