If you respected my beliefs like you say you do, then you wouldn't be bashing it like a Christian was a disease.
The truth of the Bible is quite plain and quite simple. Either you belief in it or you don't. I never said YOU had to believe in it did I? No. Stop trying to make it sound like I'm the one shoving my beliefs down your throat. I'm telling you my beliefs. If you don't accept them that's fine. I'm not telling you I discriminate against homosexuality nor do I believe that my view has some overriding superiority over yours.
I never said I hated homosexuals. I have a few friends who are homosexual. Now, you tell me. Does me having a friend who is homosexual make me a Bible thumping, shove it down your throat, my way or hell, Christian? No. I respect one's beliefs. I'm not a Catholic, a Lutheran, a Methodist, or even a Jehovah's Witness. I'm a Christian. I believe in the Bible.
It's misguided because people make their own assumptions about what the Bible says, thus the variations of denominations. It's not propaganda, it's the truth. You don't believe it's the truth, fine. I believe it is. Well, as for the Bible being written by men, yes. But, the words of the Bible were God inspired. Of course, you’re not going to believe that. I respect that. You’re not going to believe in God so you’re not going to believe that God inspired the Bible. You’re also not going to believe in the Devil either. I do.
Open perspective? If I start changing my mind on issues that the very Bible believes in what does that make me? A hypocrite. No, I refuse to believe that by accepting homosexuality will make me a better person by "going with the flow". The Bible tells me that people will persecute us, that is, the believers, like this. That's fine with me.
Just like you say my beliefs cause me ignorance, your own believes have caused you ignorance. Ignorance of the truth. The truth itself is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be hard because we go against it everyday. There you go again, bashing my beliefs. Get off your conception of God and Jesus being this "so-called conception".
Homosexuality is not determined by birth. It's personal choice. A person can say they are homosexual yet abstain from it. It's when they don't that they have broken the word of God. I never said there was a "pill" to make you "straight" now did I?
Again, you’re bashing beliefs here with this "gay-o-meter" bullshit. You say you respect it, yet you continue to bash it. I may very well get banned for this but I don't care.
You're post is seething in hypocrisy. You're a hypocrite by saying you respect something but then you turn right around and bash it.
On a side note, my wife's unit got put on alert this morning. Will hopfully find out more on Monday after a big meating that the senior commanders will be having.