Hm I do french kiss my girl if you mean, but thats entering dangerous grounds since it is so incredibly hard to stop once you start going. I would passionately kiss other girls, but not the french way.
Why does it mean so much to me? Hm, I don't know really, but I hate the idea of just sleeping around for fun. Its just physical pleasure. Nothing more! Without the emotional and psychological bond, sex is empty in my opinion. I'd much rather take my girl skydiving then. You get a different kind of rush, and there is nothing (I hear) like your girl grabbing you and squeezing you so tight you can't breathe will falling at 150 miles per hour to the ground

And its not just skydiving. I will take her whiterafting, racing, etc. I guess I get my "fix" from a different source than sex
My idea is to have sex with only one partner ever. I guess I can go before marriage, but there is always the chance of breaking off. Yes that possibility exists after marriage, but, well, marriage is different. I know you guys probably think me as stupid for turning so many girls down (that offered themselves JUST for sex, and my friends don't get that, hell I don't even know WHY they come to me all the time), and for turning that duo down, but I have no freaking desire for more than one girl.