Casual sex

What is your take on casual sex?

  • Do it! Get laid whenever you can.

    Votes: 25 89.3%
  • Against it. Save it for someone special you will marry.

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • No to sex for fun, but I have no problem with premartial sex if both are committed.

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters


Um, I haven't started a poll in so long, so I'm starting one now :) I'm actually interested in two categories.

Those that are currently single and are dating around, how do you view casual sex just for the physical pleasure of it.

And the second category, those that are already married and older, what did you do when you are younger, and if you can, would you want to change it? Any regrets?

I personally won't do it. If you want to, thats up to you, but my future wife will deserve better. ;)

I'm asking around because getting laid at university is so incredibly easy (I'm talking in general, not about me) and, well, the tempation is there, and it is getting harder to say no. :(
i personally see nothing wrong with premarital as long as you actully are in love with that person. or are willing to have a one night stand or even fuck buddies however the latter two arent as rewarding as having that someone care about you.
i think that the sideline to yes to premarital sex [get laid whenever you can] denies the vote of those who might agree with sex before marriage but not promiscuity, as insinuated.

i am in a commited relationship but see no reason to get married at present. therefore it is a yes to casual sex by the rules of this poll. but equally i am commited to my partner and do not sleep around, hence i do not see how casual sex applies to me.
OK ris, added an option for you :) Although I personally don't see a difference between casual sex and premartial sex. But that is a personal opinion.
I find nothing casual about sex. It's an intense, giving action that should take place within a larger commitment, and between two responsible adults.
cool, ta lastlegionary :)

i have had casual sex, and sex with longer term partners. in the latter case it was never entered into lightly, and personally i found that without the closeness of a relationship sex can be a rather hollow act; it is always more beautiful between people who genuinely care for one another.
I see nothing wrong with premarital sex (if you are in love). I don't agree with just sleeping around with anyone though. Also, in terms of "fuck buddies" I think it's alright, especially if you and the person were in a relationship but are now only friends. You are not doing anything you haven't done with that person before, both people are having fun so all is good (as long as both people realize it IS only fuck buddies not a relationship still).

I don't agree with any of your poll options: I totally agree with Nixy. As long as you both (or more ;)) know exactly what the deal is, there's nothing wrong in my opinion...
Psycho what you described is the definition of casual sex. Sex with no strings attached, simply for the sheer physical satisfaction derived from it.
Get laid. Watch out for gonorreah, herpes, syphilis, genital warts, HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, increased risk of hepatitis exposure...wait, when I was a lad we didn't die from sex. On second thought...

What is a non-married committment? Either you're committed or your not. It takes an act to commit to something. If you don't get married, where's the act?
why should an act determine commitment? as partners in a relationship i see the commitments made to each other as personal and unique. we live together, share or lives, friends, finances. everything. as non-christians the act of marriage merely places that in a legal framework.

it adds nothing to our love that is not in place already.
I wouldn't wait until I got married...but I would wait until I met the right person. At least, the one I ought to be the right person at that moment, 'cause you never know for sure....

And ris, I couldn't have said that better! I totally agree with you on that one :)
What is a non-married committment? Either you're committed or your not. It takes an act to commit to something. If you don't get married, where's the act?

That's not true at all. You can be very committed to someone without a church or government agency being involved. Committment does not require an act. Unless you consider forming a comittment an act, such as when I say "I promise".

I could talk to a friend on the phone and promise to be at his fundraiser on Friday or I can promise a woman that I will love her and be loyal for ever. Both are comittments and don't require marriage.

As for the sex question there is a big difference between sex between partners that have dated exclusively for a length of time and one night stands, but somehow I don't think LL can see things like this clearly.
LL: I agree with Psycho that there is no option for our opinion. I do not believe that random casual sex is fine but I also don't believe that you need to be commited. I think that it shoudl be someone you REALLY care about and that you both shoudl be aware of the rules but i don't believe that commitment is necessary if you both agree on it.
I guess I'm in the minority then. I won't have sex before I'm married. But thats probably just me. And don't laugh now, I turned two girls down a couple of weeks ago that were desperate enough to offer to go both at once with me. :D (for some reason, repeatedly saying NO has earned me the reputation "Hard to Get") Now you can laugh at me. :p
I don't think you have to be married, although I totally respect people that do. I was a bit of a slut when I was younger, and although I was lucky enough to never catch anything because of it, I got very lucky that I didn't. I think there should be something betweeen two people before they commit to sharing each other sexually, besides the rubber. There should be some kind of bond, something that says that it's not just a one night stand. Just be careful ladies, we are pretty damn good at promising you the world, and delivering a little chunk of desert in southern Arizona. (Sorry guys, I know that's a universal "Guy" secret)

I'd have to agree with ris when it comes to my wife, though. We were committed to each other long before we ever got married, or even talked about getting married. We had decided that we were right for each other, and that is when we took the sexual step in our relationship. The actual marriage really doesn't mean as much to us as the commitment we made to each other beforehand.