caution racy talk.

steweygrrrr said:
roll with me point was if it snaps inside you what happens then? would the need to give you stitches (i.e. cut you open first) to stitch up the original damage?

edit - Why cant they regionalise PHP tags? :cuss:
naw, they'd prolly follow the trail the dildo took...
I've seen pyrex ... um .. things drop on floors and not break. 'Course, I've seen them drop on floors and break. Point is - I'd imagine it's a pretty sturdy little tool that won't break inside a person. Or even by the person unless they drop it on a hard floor.
:confused: I can't believe some people think they are going to break the dildo with normal use. Thats like being afraid the dandelions are going to break your lawnmower blade....The only way your gonna break the thing is if you use it for swordfights instead of its intended use....And if you did that, you deserve to have your dildo broken.... :devious:
Squiggy said:
:confused: I can't believe some people think they are going to break the dildo with normal use. Thats like being afraid the dandelions are going to break your lawnmower blade....The only way your gonna break the thing is if you use it for swordfights instead of its intended use....And if you did that, you deserve to have your dildo broken.... :devious:

[Automated by GetSmile]
Squiggy said:
:confused: I can't believe some people think they are going to break the dildo with normal use. Thats like being afraid the dandelions are going to break your lawnmower blade....The only way your gonna break the thing is if you use it for swordfights instead of its intended use....And if you did that, you deserve to have your dildo broken.... :devious:
steweygrrrr said:
could you stitch something that small?

you might not want to hear this but when i had my first child, i had 147 stitches, inside and out. so yes, you can stitch something that small. and i highly recommend percocet for when they do.
tonks said:
you might not want to hear this but when i had my first child, i had 147 stitches, inside and out. so yes, you can stitch something that small. and i highly recommend percocet for when they do.
owch!!! :hugs:

well knowing how useless litakane is for stitches (I had 34 seperate litakane injections in my eyebrow in one go to stitch it back on with 28 stitches and ISTILL felt each and every one!) I wouldnt recommened that
steweygrrrr said:
owch!!! :hugs:

well knowing how useless litakane is for stitches (I had 34 seperate litakane injections in my eyebrow in one go to stitch it back on with 28 stitches and ISTILL felt each and every one!) I wouldnt recommened that
you cut your eyebrow off? have you been watching the wall again?
tonks said:
i love a gory, eyebrow losing story! do tell...

Gather round children I have a story for you... Tonks get your finger out of your nose...Cyd sit on the carpet with the rest of the boys and girls...there. It goes a little something like this.

*wibble dream sequence effect with I was a kid but I'm older now voice over*

It was a slightly chilly Octobers day in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire (thats Yorksheer peope!) where I was attending University. I had just got out of a long lecture about databases and spreadsheets. The lecture theatre (AKA the shed) was warm with soft lighting and comfty seats. As such I was more than a little dozy after having only 3 hours sleep and dropped off 5 times during the lecture.

My friends and I decided that because it was 30 mins to the next bus and we couldnt be arsed going back to SU we would go to the pub across the road. Its a dual carriageway style thing outside the Uni because its on the Huddersfield ring road. The bit we wanted to cross is on a hill and traffic was stopped in the nearside lane and as such you couldnt see the other lane. I, part asleep part dumbass, stepped out into the first lane and partially into the second lane. A nice black ford escort beeped at me from about 20 feet away. So what do I do? Step back like a normal person? No. I ran out to get to the central reservation. Problem was I was having a little foot-leg-brain co-ordiantion problem due to lack of sleep. I tripped, sailed through the air with the grace of a brick, crashed my head on the central reservation footpath AND bounced of a people carrier taxi's front bumper.

I lay on the floor for what seemed like an age then thought 'Am I dead?' to which I promptly answered myself 'no you idiot! how would you be thinking??' which I took as a good sign. I opened my eyes and found myself staring at the tyre tread of said taxi. I got up, mumbled WTF just happened and promptly fell on my arse. Evryone crowded round me and my head was on fire. That was probably because wy eyborw was hanging off, my nose was litterally burst (4 stitches needed to hold it together!) and broken the left side of my face had virually no skin from the skid impact and I had gashed my cheek open. I was carted off to hospital where I lay for 2 hours awaiting an X-Ray which found no permanent damage (thank gawd) and then another three just to be stitched up. A total of 38 altogether 28 in my eyebrow (which split and now I havwe a large crater under my lefy eyebrow) 6 in my cheek and for on the right side of my nose. That said it only took 2 weeks to look fully healed but to this date I am still scared to death of roads and 90% of my nightmares involve that taxi not stopping.

I now feel quite nauseus after recanting that story.

eeww. yucko. at least they were able to put your eyebrow back on! i've never had stitches anywhere but - you know. i can imagine how painful that must have been. gory, too! wish i'd been there. sorry- all that gory stuff facinates me.
the pool of blood on the floor about a foot and a half across actually fascinated me....I'd never seen so much IRL
steweygrrrr said:
the pool of blood on the floor about a foot and a half across actually fascinated me....I'd never seen so much IRL
WOW! how much of a scar do you have on your nose and eyebrow?
I had 49 stitches in my hand when I was 6 years old... nearly had my hand severed on broken glass in the school playground.. it was pretty interesting, I had a white button down shirt on which was completely dark red when the ambulance got to the scene and I fell unconcious from loss of blood.. have no idea what happened to part of my hand.. I now have a big area that can grow no hair, and never sweats.. looks fake..

It was interesting to say the least...
i had the skin on my left foot grated off by bicycle spokes when i was 7.
it was in new zealand and it's kinda hilly there and the wind was blowing and i was riding doubles with no shoes on. we fell ....use your imagination. they couldn't stitch it. there was nothing to stitch. they wrapped it and i had this ooze i had to put on everyday etc.
Guess taht I'm a wee bit luckier than you Steweygrrr...

I was hit by a car a few years ago. I was crossing in between stopped cars trying to get to Burger King, and when I go t to the break-down lane, I saw a flash of red to my left. I just had time to lift my legs when it hit me...a little red sports car, driving towards the light in teh wrong lane, and going for the turn light. He was going about 50kph (that's what...umh...24mph), when he hit me. About 1 sencond later, he started braking....I rode up his front hood and to his windshield. He braked for a good 40 feet before coming to a full stop. I then slid down said windshield, a dn off the hood, only to land on my feet. I was in a wee bit of shock, as you might imagine, and the first thing that I did was to go over and see if the driver was OK. The Semi-driver (Stopped at the light pretty much where I stopped moving), had lept out of his cab and wlaked me over to the curb for a wee little sit-down. He got the drivers info, and gave him mine...whereupon, the driver fucked off.

Here's the gig...No fault, right?!? Hmmm...

A few hours later, I got home and told my dad what had happened. He called the cops, and we placed a report. 6', 200lbs, I ain't exactly an easy target...even for a car, but I never expected what happened next. I was fine BTW...not so much as a scratch on me. When buddy's father (the owner of teh car) came home...the guy called his insurance, and the cops...and ... get this.. sued me for the damages to his car. away with it, because I wasn't crossing at a crosswalk.

Seems that I did a number on his little toy. I did the following

- Dented his hood and broke a headlight
- Cracked his front windshield
- Broke off his antanae
(that was on the way up)
- I scratched his hood
-I scratched his left wing
- I displaced his bumper
(on the way down)

All this cost my insurance $2200 CAN. Why??? No fault fuckin' insurance. I wish that I'd been living in the USA. I could be typing here a rich man.

Fucking no fault insurance!!!