Crucified Santa gains few fans for B.C. artist


New Member
What a loon...
Without the current economic system people would be living in thatch huts and hunting with bare hands for food...Since he is living in a house I doubt he his hurting finacialy...
METCHOSIN, B.C. (CP) — A Vancouver Island artist has put an effigy of a crucified Santa Claus on his front lawn, causing some neighbours to complain it’s traumatizing their children.

Jimmy Wright said the figure is intended to be a comment on society’s growing appetite for consumer goods.

"I don’t know how it came into my mind but I thought I’m going to take Santa Claus and I’m going to crucify him."

Wright said his latest work is not for sale.
Of course it's different when they're my consumer goods highway. They don't count. :lol:
And the kids aren't traumatized by seeing a dude hanging from a cross every Sunday?Or does Santa deserve more concern than Christ.

The Churches I have attended in the past don't have crucificts with christ on the cross in the sanctuary..

I see your point, on the other hand the cross is a symbal of the religion, what is the symbal of a fictional charactor (santa clause) being crucified?
the cross is a symbal of the religion, what is the symbal of a fictional charactor (santa clause) being crucified?

If I had to guess, this dude's point is that this fictional character and what he symbolizes has replaced Christ and what He symolizes as the focal point of the holiday for many. Just my $.02 though.
I love that guy. I mean, what's more fun than taking something kids like and doing something like that. It kicks ass. :)

(I know I know, it symbolizes blabla and blabla and blabla...)
It's always better to fuck with the local kids sensibilities than to make an actual stand.
If I had to guess, this dude's point is that this fictional character and what he symbolizes has replaced Christ and what He symolizes as the focal point of the holiday for many. Just my $.02 though.

what's that in sterling?

i don't think he was a welder Bop ... nor a carpenter . .,. probably not even a fisherman neither ...

nice image, but it's publicity he wants if he puts it on his front lawn.

Some sort of wacko Claus cultist probably :shrug:
The best variation on the crucifix image that I've seen...and effective as all hell, was a local charity trying to raise funds for the homeless.

The imagery drove the message home. Especially coming into the winter months.
The best variation on the crucifix image that I've seen...and effective as all hell, was a local charity trying to raise funds for the homeless.

The imagery drove the message home. Especially coming into the winter months.

Shouldn't he have done it at Easter when crucifixion actually pertains to anything? :confuse3:
I believe that it was up for most of the year. I don't remember when it first came out. BUT the symbology is effective all year round, eh