Dems Vow New Bill if S-Chip Veto Stands

Reality check, folks...Where, in the US Constitution, does it guarantee health insurance? Where, in the US Constitution, does it guarantee welfare? Where, in the US Constitution, does it guarantee Medicare?

If you can find those references, post them. Otherwise this is nothing but more thievery. Its not the governments job to take care of you. Its yours. Anything else is nothing more than slavery.
Reality check, folks...Where, in the US Constitution, does it guarantee health insurance? Where, in the US Constitution, does it guarantee welfare? Where, in the US Constitution, does it guarantee Medicare?

If you can find those references, post them. Otherwise this is nothing but more thievery. Its not the governments job to take care of you. Its yours. Anything else is nothing more than slavery.

The more people rely on the government to take care of them, the more power the government will have over its people. That is something people should have ingrained into them by the time they hit High School. Instead...the exact opposite seems to be the case, and its coming from the government...which, BTW, controls the school curriculum until post-secondary education. Has anyone else noticed that the 'correct answer' to a school assignment is not as important as the way the answer was found? Bad spelling is tolerated as long as the idea comes across? How about the fact that cheating on an exam is not always a failing grade?
Did you? I'm not sure why you brought up state taxation issues when we're talking about federal.

Shit, I thought we were talking about SCHIP and you just brought up some state/fed tax thing to siderail things. Wait......
Reality check, folks...Where, in the US Constitution, does it guarantee health insurance? Where, in the US Constitution, does it guarantee welfare? Where, in the US Constitution, does it guarantee Medicare?

If you can find those references, post them. Otherwise this is nothing but more thievery. Its not the governments job to take care of you. Its yours. Anything else is nothing more than slavery.

Damn, We have to get rid of the police force, firemen, probation officers, prisons, road crews, health inspections, FDA, FCC, NASA, Iraq War......get moving!
spike said:
Damn, We have to get rid of the police force, firemen, probation officers, prisons, road crews, health inspections, FDA, FCC, NASA, Iraq War......get moving!

Methinks you'd better have a looksee at the Constitution before you get athlete's tongue...
The more people rely on the government to take care of them, the more power the government will have over its people. That is something people should have ingrained into them by the time they hit High School. Instead...the exact opposite seems to be the case, and its coming from the government...which, BTW, controls the school curriculum until post-secondary education. Has anyone else noticed that the 'correct answer' to a school assignment is not as important as the way the answer was found? Bad spelling is tolerated as long as the idea comes across? How about the fact that cheating on an exam is not always a failing grade?

I'm all for less government. I could do my job a thousand times better if it were privatized. But since the typical American is ignorant of how things work, here sits I.

Too many people/primates/whatever have settled for what the government will GIVE them instead of striving for what they can ACCOMPLISH. And many more want to keep those people right where they are...firmly attached to the government tit, while THEY look down their noses at them. Talk about a hypocrite...Those same people want more people added to the government dole. They're too stupid to realize who ends up paying for all those programs...apparantly they think Al Gore puts on a pink tutu, grabs a magic wand out of Monica Lewinsky's mouth, shakes it real good for good luck, and out comes pumping free money, to pay for every kook fringe socialist idea their damaged brains can come up with. It's beyond flawed's flawed character. (Look it up, I know a bunch are completely unfamiliar with the word) And then have the gall to insinuate that any othert poin of view is wrong or cruel. How childish.

Fairy tales are for children. Libs do qualify.
Fairy tales are for children. Libs do qualify.

Its not a matter of believing in fairy tales. Its more of a matter of ignorance and refusal to learn. When you look at the Constitution, which covers federal law, federal rights, and state rights, you'll see it all spelled out. Even when pointed to it, some folks will refuse to look it up, or even acknowledge that there is a difference between federal and state jurisdiction. Article 1, and its sections, are what spells out what powers go to which branch, and what the federal mandates are. All it takes is a little reading skill. :shrug: Guess you have to lead some folks by the nose in order to get them to the point...:devious:
When you look at the Constitution, which covers federal law, federal rights, and state rights, you'll see it all spelled out. Even when pointed to it, some folks will refuse to look it up, or even acknowledge that there is a difference between federal and state jurisdiction. Article 1, and its sections, are what spells out what powers go to which branch, and what the federal mandates are. All it takes is a little reading skill. :shrug: Guess you have to lead some folks by the nose in order to get them to the point...:devious:

Tell me about it...

Believing that every kid in the country can have a $5000 bond as a birthright without an increase in taxes is fairy tale. Believing that the government can manage your health care cheaper and with more and better services is fairy tale. And a whole lot of fools believe both.
Pay for their police and fire department and roads and they get all entitled.

Shit, I thought we were talking about SCHIP and you just brought up some state/fed tax thing to siderail things. Wait......

Damn, We have to get rid of the police force, firemen, probation officers, prisons, road crews, health inspections, FDA, FCC, NASA, Iraq War......get moving!

There you go again