Okay. My final take. If you don't have health insurance, that's your fault. Not your employer's fault, the government's fault, your neighbor's fault, or the insurance company's fault. It's yours. If your job doesn't have insurance, then find one that does. Before you go spouting off about how some people can't find better work, I'll fend it off with some people don't want to find better work. They didn't do well in school, or didn't finish school, or did drugs, or any other myriad problem you wnat to throw out there, but the one thing you must understand is that they did it to themselves. Hell...if you finish school and stay off of drugs and out of jail, you can even join the military...we have a health program, in case you didn't notice. You can join the police force. They have a health program. Unfortunately, too many people think that they can do whatever they like with no consequence. Too bad. You chose your life, you live with those consequences. You don't like them, change your life. Don't expect me to bail you out because you wanted to be a 'rebel'...