Dems Vow New Bill if S-Chip Veto Stands

Gato said:
Even when pointed to it, some folks will refuse to look it up, or even acknowledge that there is a difference between federal and state jurisdiction.

The spread of communism is slow & intended. Since they couldn't beat us from the outside, thay came in through our open doors & took up residence.

Take over the press
Take over the State Dept
Have them (us) hand over their (our) lives willingly.

The sheep are being slaughtered & they are walking themselves to the butcher.
The spread of communism is slow & intended. Since they couldn't beat us from the outside, thay came in through our open doors & took up residence.

Take over the press
Take over the State Dept
Have them (us) hand over their (our) lives willingly.

The sheep are being slaughtered & they are walking themselves to the butcher.

ZOMG the Beatles are spreading the communism!

Actually it's fascism that's spreading now.
WASHINGTON - Come January, Social Security benefits for nearly 50 million Americans are going up 2.3 percent, the smallest increase in four years. It will mean an extra $24 per month in the average check, the government announced Wednesday.

The cost of living adjustment means that the monthly benefit for the typical retired worker in 2008 will go from $1,055 currently to $1,079 next year.

The adjustment, announced by the Social Security Administration, will go to more than 54 million Americans. Nearly 50 million receive Social Security benefits and the rest get Supplemental Security Income payments aimed at helping the poor.

So y'all can't claim I made this up or whatever

So the gobmunt has $24 a MONTH for this program...and we are to believe that they can still magically take care of all our health needs AND provide $5000 for every child born...all with no new taxes (or as Shrillary put it, no new beauracracy...same lie either way)

Yeah. You go vote that shit in.

SnP said:
So the gobmunt has $24 a MONTH for this program

No. We the people, following so BS fed to us in 1937, are allowing the raw deal to continue to steal from our paycheck. The "lockbox" was thrown open under Carter (him, again?) & our SSA money now comes from standard issue general funds. Why? Because, instead of paying ourselves, it now takes 4 (soon to be 3) working stiffs to make our monthly gov't subsidy. This $24, while nothing to an individual, is enormous, on the whole. 1,296,000,000 PER MONTH for that measley twenty four bucks.

Apparently, Shrillary found that 5k was gonna cost her more than she thought so it's been scrapped. Until later.

Scrap it all. Let me keep my own money & fend for myself.
So nobody can claim I made this up or some such

Reason wins. The day at least.

WASHINGTON - House Democrats were unable Thursday to override President Bush's veto of their pre-election year effort to expand a popular government health insurance program to cover 10 million children.

The bill had bipartisan support but the 273-156 roll call was 13 votes short of the two-thirds that majority supporters needed to enact the bill into law over Bush's objections. The bill had passed the Senate with a veto-proof margin.
The State Children's Health Insurance Program now subsidizes health care insurance coverage for about 6 million children at a cost of about $5 billion a year. The vetoed bill would have added 4 million more children, most of them from low-income families, to the program at an added cost of $7 billion annually.

To pay for the increase, the bill would have raised the federal tax on cigarettes from 39 cents to $1.00 a pack.

Tax increase. Democrat. Tied at the hip forever.

Republican opponents said the bill would encourage too many middle-income families to substitute government-subsidized insurance for their private insurance. The bill gives states financial incentives to cover families with incomes up to three times the federal poverty level — $61,950 for a family of four.

"That's not low-income. That's a majority of households in America," said Rep. Wally Herger, R-Calif.

Ayup. Once again, give these idiots an inch and they demand a mile, at our expense. Our household income is less than $62K, and we somehow manage to pay for health insurance for ourselves and our kidlet. It means we don't have a blackberry, or an Ipod, or a brand new car every 16 months, but we can get healthcare. Some things matter, some don't.

"Under current law, these boys and girls are entitled to their benefits," said Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich. "Continuing to not provide them with coverage is a travesty."

Show me where in the constitution where any of us are entitled to anything beyond life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, you fool. I do agree though. These kids not having health insurance is a travesty. Here's a solution though. How about we make momma and daddy get off their lazy ass and provide it for their own kids? How about we hold them accountable for not providing health care for their own kids? Maybe we make it Child Neglect to willfully decline to make sure your own children can't get medical care. Because that's the travesty, Rep. Dingleberry. You and your ilk have coddled generation after generation until all they know is stick that grimy hand out and wait for some bleeding heart to come put something in it for them. Make 'em work for a change. It ain't killed me yet. If they are unemployable due to lacking sufficient skills to utter "You want fries with that?", then let 'em pick up trash on the road. They can do it cheaper than municipal employees can, you know.

Score one for the working class. Wait a sec...some of our members may be unfamiliar with the concept of work, being thoroughly liberalized.'s what everyone else is doing while you watch Ellen. You know, while your neighbors are gone those 8-10 hours every Monday through Friday excepting major holidays (holidays...that's when your benefit check is a day late because the mail didn't run...) It's kind of like your check that comes every month, but we have to actually go somewhere and do something productive to get our check. Do something...that means put forth effort to sustain your fam...

Ah screw it. Y'all won't never understand it.

You lost. This time. No fear'll still get your share of my money and then some. Plenty of dain bramaged libs about to make sure of that.
Liberals don't work now? :laugh:

I think you're confused. Many jobs don't have health benefits which is part of the problem here. The rest are all the conservatives strung out on smack who don't understand the concept of sobriety and hang out molesting children all day.
Many jobs don't have health benefits which is part of the problem here.

Part of the problem?

Lemme 'splain sumthin to you Lucy.

Employers are not required to provide insurance. They started doing it as a perk. Better pay & benefits will attract better empolyees. The government is not required to provide insurance. Hell, it's not even a right to have basic health care.

The way it works....if you want to insure yourself and/or your loved ones, it's your job. You pay for it out of your pocket. If the company you work for is so inclined, they may provide you an opportunity to get insurance. If they are not, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of options. Telephone numbers, web pages, drive to your local agency. I promise you, there is insurance available.
Aw c'mon Gonz, you know a lib has to have his/her hand out wanting something for "free". Problem is, they're all too stupid to realize that they do pay for it, in their beloved tax increases. It's part of their adorable mental disorder and cognitive deficiency. The same one that makes them believe all that other silly stuff they tout without ceasing. The word "earn" has no meaning to them, unless it is to say, "We plan to tax everything you all earn as much as we can so we can give it to some lazy ass who won't earn their own way through life."
Telephone numbers, web pages, drive to your local agency. I promise you, there is insurance available.

Let me explain something to you Mildred. Many people can't afford insurance if it is not provided by their job. If they can many people are also denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions.

Insurance is not always available. Don't make empty promises.
Aw c'mon Gonz, you know a lib has to have his/her hand out wanting something for "free".

Cons typically want something for free. I wonder if their recent medical problems may have cost more than they've put it in. Not only free but other people paying for their meds and procedures. Probably raising rates for everyone.

Too stupid to realize they haven't "earned" anything more than other hard working people that aren't provided health insurance or that may be to sick to keep working. Just showing selfishness and contempt for others with health problems as they hypocritically and laughably claim to be christians. :laugh:

They couldn't think their way out of a paper bag.
I wonder if their recent medical problems may have cost more than they've put it in.

More little words to help you understand.

In a free market system, you are entitled to participate in a plan. You are entitled not to participate in a plan. The plan may, at your choosing, cost a little or cost a lot. It may even fall somewhere in the middle. See, in a free market system, you can choose the level of coverage, the doctors you want, the limits (or lack thereof) for coverage.

In fact, if you so desire, you may choose not to carry insurance. *gasp* Yes, it's true. If you don't want to spend your money on something you aren't forced.

Just think, no government official telling you what you may, or may not, put into your pie hole because the government has even less business in your kitchen than they do in your wallet.
Just think, no government official telling you what you may, or may not, put into your pie hole because the government has even less business in your kitchen than they do in your wallet.

You may as well be typing in Swahili, dude. Some people are incapable of fathoming a life without the government telling them every move to make and taking every dime from them to "redistribute" better so that everyone "benefits". And some people are incapable of a lot less comprehension than others. A few are even incapable of the level of comprehension and adult thought process than that of a clothes pin. They're not hard to recognize. They walk about with band-aids on their foreheads from bumping into things because nobody from the government was there to say, "Hey, watch out for that tree." They'll often be in a swarm of flies due to poor physical hygeine and its attendant body odor. All sorts of ways to identify 'em. None of 'em will have any calluses on their hands, because that comes from hard work and watching Dr. Phil all day while waiting for the gubmunt check to get there doesn't form calluses. On the hands at least. Those folks NEED the government telling them every move to make, every thought to have, how to spend their money, how to do every minute thing life throws at them. Without that tit, they'd starve. Because they are absolutely not capable of coming in out of the rain unless somebody tells them to.

Me, I'd let the fuckers drown.
Okay. My final take. If you don't have health insurance, that's your fault. Not your employer's fault, the government's fault, your neighbor's fault, or the insurance company's fault. It's yours. If your job doesn't have insurance, then find one that does. Before you go spouting off about how some people can't find better work, I'll fend it off with some people don't want to find better work. They didn't do well in school, or didn't finish school, or did drugs, or any other myriad problem you wnat to throw out there, but the one thing you must understand is that they did it to themselves. Hell...if you finish school and stay off of drugs and out of jail, you can even join the military...we have a health program, in case you didn't notice. You can join the police force. They have a health program. Unfortunately, too many people think that they can do whatever they like with no consequence. Too bad. You chose your life, you live with those consequences. You don't like them, change your life. Don't expect me to bail you out because you wanted to be a 'rebel'...
Okay. My final take. If you don't have health insurance, that's your fault. Not your employer's fault, the government's fault, your neighbor's fault, or the insurance company's fault. It's yours. If your job doesn't have insurance, then find one that does. Before you go spouting off about how some people can't find better work, I'll fend it off with some people don't want to find better work. They didn't do well in school, or didn't finish school, or did drugs, or any other myriad problem you wnat to throw out there, but the one thing you must understand is that they did it to themselves. Hell...if you finish school and stay off of drugs and out of jail, you can even join the military...we have a health program, in case you didn't notice. You can join the police force. They have a health program. Unfortunately, too many people think that they can do whatever they like with no consequence. Too bad. You chose your life, you live with those consequences. You don't like them, change your life. Don't expect me to bail you out because you wanted to be a 'rebel'...

Yeah, you've got a health program. What I don't understand is why it isn't better than anyone else's but that's another thread.

BTW, I was a rebel, still am in spots, yet I have health insurance. I firmly believe that there are in fact those that need help. I also firmly believe that a many (most, in fact) of those receiving help under the current system don't.
I firmly believe that there are in fact those that need help. I also firmly believe that a many (most, in fact) of those receiving help under the current system don't.

Precisely. However, the answer is NOT to go out and enroll thousands more. The answer (to this and dozens of other examples) is to get an independent audit of the rosters and start shedding the dead wood. There will never be a 100% foolproof system. No matter where the lines are drawn, some will get in who shouldn't and some will be left off who should be included. That doesn't translate into putting a bunch more on though, because that same percentage of undeservings will still sneak through. Mistakes (both ways) are inevitable. They are par for the course when dealing with any governmental program. I personally can live with the fact that errors will happen. Just keep 'em to a minimum and fix them when they are found.
More little words to help you understand.

In a free market system, you are entitled to participate in a plan. You are entitled not to participate in a plan. The plan may, at your choosing, cost a little or cost a lot. It may even fall somewhere in the middle. See, in a free market system, you can choose the level of coverage, the doctors you want, the limits (or lack thereof) for coverage.

In fact, if you so desire, you may choose not to carry insurance. *gasp* Yes, it's true. If you don't want to spend your money on something you aren't forced.

Should I dumb things down here so you don't get lost?

In a for-profit system the focus is on *surprise* making money instead of making people better. This means that many times instead of making people better they treat symptoms with pills. This ensures repeat business and pills are very profitable. This is why our surrent system while being the most expensive is so much less effective than other industrialized nations.

Also, since insurance is so expensive many people can't afford it if it is not provided by their employer. Also people who are too sick to work while being the most in need of healthcare also have no ability to pay for it.

Not to mention that people with pre-existing conditions, while also being in more need of healthcare, are often denied insurance because *gasp* they might use it. Not to mention many legitimate claims by people with insurance are denied in hopes of making more money.

But while you complain about insurance companies in one breath then try to espouse their greatness in another I would say it is plain to see that the entire current system is broken at a fundemental level because it is not designed with the primary goal of providing quality healthcare.