Dems Vow New Bill if S-Chip Veto Stands

You may as well be typing in Swahili, dude. Some people are incapable of fathoming a life without the government telling them every move to make and taking every dime from them to "redistribute" better so that everyone "benefits". And some people are incapable of a lot less comprehension than others. A few are even incapable of the level of comprehension and adult thought process than that of a clothes pin. They're not hard to recognize. They walk about with band-aids on their foreheads from bumping into things because nobody from the government was there to say, "Hey, watch out for that tree." They'll often be in a swarm of flies due to poor physical hygeine and its attendant body odor. All sorts of ways to identify 'em. None of 'em will have any calluses on their hands, because that comes from hard work and watching Dr. Phil all day while waiting for the gubmunt check to get there doesn't form calluses. On the hands at least. Those folks NEED the government telling them every move to make, every thought to have, how to spend their money, how to do every minute thing life throws at them. Without that tit, they'd starve. Because they are absolutely not capable of coming in out of the rain unless somebody tells them to.

Me, I'd let the fuckers drown.

Holy crap, you mean eveyone that wants to improve our broken system watches Dr. Phil?

That's about the stupidest thing I've heard all week. Might even be rivaling jimpeel blaiming HIV on glory holes. :laugh:
In a for-profit system the focus is on *surprise* making money instead of making people better.

That's right. Now, if you follow the logic that you've stumbled acrosss, quite by accident I'm sure, if they fail to do as promised, people will no longer give them money to do what they do. That money will go to another group or company that does follow through on it's promises.

Pretty cool how free enterprise works huh?

Sorry, I didn't read the rest....I may get bored & read it later.
That's right. Now, if you follow the logic that you've stumbled acrosss, quite by accident I'm sure, if they fail to do as promised, people will no longer give them money to do what they do. That money will go to another group or company that does follow through on it's promises.

Oh but only if you would use some logic for once. Actually they get MORE money by treating the symptoms and not the root cause. They make the pain go away with some addictive pills and the money keeps rolling in.

Pretty cool how healthcare based on profit screws everything up huh?
Since when do insurance companies prescribe pharmaceuticals?

That would be the choice of your doctor.

I SWEAR in the presence of the Almighty and before my family, my teachers and my peers that according to my ability and judgment I will keep this Oath and Stipulation.

TO RECKON all who have taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents and in the same spirit and dedication to impart a knowledge of the art of medicine to others. I will continue with diligence to keep abreast of advances in medicine. I will treat without exception all who seek my ministrations, so long as the treatment of others is not compromised thereby, and I will seek the counsel of particularly skilled physicians where indicated for the benefit of my patient.

I WILL FOLLOW that method of treatment which according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patient and abstain from whatever is harmful or mischievous. I will neither prescribe nor administer a lethal dose of medicine to any patient even if asked nor counsel any such thing nor perform the utmost respect for every human life from fertilization to natural death and reject abortion that deliberately takes a unique human life.

WITH PURITY, HOLINESS AND BENEFICENCE I will pass my life and practice my art. Except for the prudent correction of an imminent danger, I will neither treat any patient nor carry out any research on any human being without the valid informed consent of the subject or the appropriate legal protector thereof, understanding that research must have as its purpose the furtherance of the health of that individual. Into whatever patient setting I enter, I will go for the benefit of the sick and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief or corruption and further from the seduction of any patient.

WHATEVER IN CONNECTION with my professional practice or not in connection with it I may see or hear in the lives of my patients which ought not be spoken abroad, I will not divulge, reckoning that all such should be kept secret.

WHILE I CONTINUE to keep this Oath unviolated may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art and science of medicine with the blessing of the Almighty and respected by my peers and society, but should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse by my lot.

Of course, nobody really keeps oathes anymore. It limits personal freedom. :rolleyes:
Since when do insurance companies prescribe pharmaceuticals?

That would be the choice of your doctor.

Where did I say insurance companies write prescriptions?

But while you're talking about choice it might be worth noting that most companies have one choice for insurance and then that insurance company may well have very limited or no choices of what physicians you can see.
Then pick the one that suits your needs. This isn't socialized medicine where you are forced to pick what doesn't work for you.
Actually you might have more choices between doctors in other countries where the system is working better.
You're right. You might. Why not go find out. I'll be here, with my shitty corporate greed crappy sub-standard healthcare.
Why? Most of us are okay with our situation. Those of you who find it appalling ought not be hamstrung. Go ahead, go to Finland. Or Britain. Or Canada. They'll fix you right up.
Why? Most of us are okay with our situation.

Oh that's funny.

"(CBS) Americans think the U.S. health care system is in need of major repairs, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll.

Nine out of 10 say the system needs at least fundamental changes, including 36 percent who favor a complete overhaul.

Although most Americans say they are generally satisfied with the quality of their own health care, including 41 percent who say they are very satisfied, it's a different story when it comes to the cost of care.

Just one in five are very satisfied with what they pay for health care, while a majority (52 percent) are dissatisfied, including a third who are very dissatisfied."


I guess since your in the minority here you should be the one to leave the country while we improve things. :laugh:

You really got to start checking your facts before you blurt out things.
This poll was conducted among a random sample of 1,281 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone Feb. 23-27, 2007. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The error for subgroups is higher.

Later in the story, it says two-thirds say the government should guarantee health insurance for all. I have a hard time believing the number is that high considering how badly the Clinton health care plan idea failed in the mid-'90s.
Later in the story, it says two-thirds say the government should guarantee health insurance for all.

Thus proving my theory that the majority of people are idiots.

It never ceases to amaze me that so many people never realize one simple fact. Nothing is free. If you want the gubment to provide __________, then you will pay for it in tax increases. If you work, that is. Hence, the more we as citizens provide for ourselves, not only do we pay less in taxes but we maintain the power of choice. We get to choose who provides the service instead of having to pick off a list. We get to decide if we even want the service or not, instead of having 535 pairs of hands in our wallets compelling us to pay for it.

Another fact. Not one time, ever, has anything been relinquished from the hands of the citizens to the power of the guvment...then returned to us. Never. If we ever give up our right to ____________, we'll never get it back. If what the guvment supplies is not as good as what we had, too f'ing bad...we're stuck. While some may get all wet and juicy at the thought of guvment handouts, I personally would prefer to retain my power of choice in as many matters as possible.

In short, I'd rather pay for my choice than accept what is given. If I want a steak tonight, I have no problem paying for the steak. But if I relinquish that power of choice to the guvment, I can want a steak until I'm blue in the face and still be stuck with tuna fish.

I like steak.
CBS News/New York Times poll

The depth of the BS is deep.

Although most Americans say they are generally satisfied with the quality of their own health care, including 41 percent who say they are very satisfied,

nuff said.

it's a different story when it comes to the cost
Can you name one thing where people are satisfied with the cost?
"Although most Americans say they are generally satisfied with the quality of their own health care, including 41 percent who say they are very satisfied,"

Imagine, they are satisfied with their own care but can still see the problems. How unselfish of them.



Yes 64%
No 27%