New Member
You may as well be typing in Swahili, dude. Some people are incapable of fathoming a life without the government telling them every move to make and taking every dime from them to "redistribute" better so that everyone "benefits". And some people are incapable of a lot less comprehension than others. A few are even incapable of the level of comprehension and adult thought process than that of a clothes pin. They're not hard to recognize. They walk about with band-aids on their foreheads from bumping into things because nobody from the government was there to say, "Hey, watch out for that tree." They'll often be in a swarm of flies due to poor physical hygeine and its attendant body odor. All sorts of ways to identify 'em. None of 'em will have any calluses on their hands, because that comes from hard work and watching Dr. Phil all day while waiting for the gubmunt check to get there doesn't form calluses. On the hands at least. Those folks NEED the government telling them every move to make, every thought to have, how to spend their money, how to do every minute thing life throws at them. Without that tit, they'd starve. Because they are absolutely not capable of coming in out of the rain unless somebody tells them to.
Me, I'd let the fuckers drown.
Holy crap, you mean eveyone that wants to improve our broken system watches Dr. Phil?
That's about the stupidest thing I've heard all week. Might even be rivaling jimpeel blaiming HIV on glory holes.