do you believe in fate?

do you?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • no

    Votes: 5 20.0%

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Luis G

Staff member
a few minutes ago i was talking with a friend, she makes this beautiful poems (very talented i must say), and i told her that she should publish them, she said she didn't know how to, nor the people, etc, etc.....

so i told her, it doesn't matter, those things are easy to find, if she's good she should do it, why waste time after all?

then she says: well, fate is written if i'm ever going to publish it, it will happen anyway.

I found that PATHETIC, wasting her talent because she's waiting for someone to knock on her door and tell her she writes great poems is PATHETIC.

fate's hit me in a good way a couple of times this year, something nice is definitely up :)

But I wouldn't leave my life to chance based on it, it's more of a happy occurance when it does happen.
Luis: Life is pathetic, people are pathetic.

For the record I do believe in fate. The fate that life is doomed to suck.
Luis always said, "I don't believe in fate, but I'm afraid of it." Well, I believe in fate -- and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.
i believe in a form of fate - whatever happens is usually for a good reason.

its normally a way of staving off disappointment though ;)
i just can't understand why people don't grab the reins of their life, you do have the power to change it, there unavoidable things like death, but we also have a great chance to make this life of us the best we can, not that pathetic way of blaming the fate for our disgraces, or waiting for the miracle to come, the thing is, we can do it, and we can do it now.
if you think death is unavoidable you must have never heard of alex chiu
fate can be changed by even the most microcosmic event, stopping to smell the flowers for instance. No
If it's possible, do it, if it's unknown until it happens or if it's seemingly impossible, fate comes in handy :)
Fate is what happens when you do nothing to guide your life. Nothing more...nothing less.
And luck is simply the intersection of ability and oppertunity.
Life is what you make of it yourself. Waiting for happyness to happen never worked, and never will work. You've got to provide your own luck.
well, I believe in fate. The difference between my belief in fate and others (not all, but "others") is that I believe you can't just sit there and wait and see if Fate's gonna slap you on the head and wake your ass up. It needs a little "nudge" every now and again .. and it needs to not be ignored .. lest it leave you altogether.
I have certain spiritual beliefs and they include that my life was mapped out before I got here - fate... uh huh.
*looks at my map* .. damn .. what the hell are all these turns? And why must I go up and over all these phreaking mountains?!?!?!

the fate instance I'd like to share...

because I was poor, my grandpa gave me an old computer.
because the computer was old, the cd in it broke.
because the cd broke and I was poor, I went to Google to look for help.
because Google found HWC first, that's where I went.
because I went there I now have found a whole other world, including this site and xi, and have now made some dear friends, who have made a great impact on my life, most namely, Justin and Ris...and fury is in there too :)

all because grandpa took pity and gave me an old computer.
*sigh* that was beautiful.
if you weren't poor with an old computer, i would never have met you.

:p to all you fate-disbelievers
ok i will resubmit this. only because i think you guys misssed it the first time:

if you think death is unavoidable you must have never heard of alex chiu