Does collage have anything to do with 1) making money and 2) becoming successful in l


New Member
I recently read a report that stated “college does not determine the success of the person, the person determines the success of the person. Most the people how attend college already have the drive to be successful.”

Now think about this. Have you ever wondered what the classes you were or are taking in high school or college have to do with ANYTHING let alone making money? I Have! And I want to know what all of you think

Here are my questions?

1) Does college have anything to do with making money?
2) Does college determine how successful you will be in life?

Please give me your opinion on this topic.


<b>mod cow</b>
of course it does.

college is a method you use to make money (you learn something, which allows you to be able to get a job that makes you money).
the same goes for 'becoming succesful', although that's just a term. how do you define succesful?

personally i think succes isn't determined by the amount of money you make, but more by how much you enjoy what you're doing.
i use college to get a diploma, so i can get a job that i enjoy. when i do something i enjoy, i am succesful.


Too cute for words
Cytro said:
I recently read a report that stated “collage does not determine the success of the person, the person determines the success of the person. Most the people how attend collage already have the drive to be successful.”

Now think about this. Have you ever wondered what the classes you were or are taking in high school or collage have to do with ANYTHING let alone making money? I Have! And I want to know what all of you think

Here are my questions?

1) Does collage have anything to do with making money?
2) Does collage determine how successful you will be in life?

Please give me your opinion on this topic.

One hopes you'll learn to spell it before you go to college, but it is the person, and not the college. College does make it easier to succeed though. Re the classes you're taking, even if you don't see a practical application now, you're learning diverse things and more importantly you're learning how to learn. This will be the most important thing you will learn in high school or college.


New Member
yes I know! I misspelled college. I ran i through spell check on word and that usely picks up most of the mistakes? Oh well


Too cute for words
Eye halve spell cheque two! :lol:

Unfortunately it just doesn't know what your thinking, does it?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Cytro said:
Does collage have anything to do with 1) making money and 2) becoming successful in l

If you are a successful artist & a collage connects with someone special, you sell it to them at a profit before "hooking up" I suppose it could. Unfortunately, I believe you meant college and the answer to that query (look it up) is, statistically, undeniably, YES.


New Member
Awe, don't worry about it, I'm just a nitpicking sod :D

And yes, these days having a tertiary education is rather important if you wish to have gainful employment thrust upon you. The employment market worldwide has become extremely competitive and as a result you need to ensure that you give yourself every possible advantage. However, having a diploma or degree is not all that matters, most employers also take into account experience you have, willingness to learn, your personal goals and visions, ability to perform in the position you have applied for etc.

For the most part I think being a full time student does not really serve you well as you spend 3 years isolated from the work market, thus allowing others to gain that all important 'experience'. IMO it is better to combine studying and working so that you get the education as well as necessary experience.

Of course it depends on the field you are interested in (you haven't mentioned what specifically you are interested in pursuing) as well, since specialised fields most definitely would require at least a degree, which will then certainly affect how successful you will eventually become.


New Member
Cytro said:
1) Does college have anything to do with making money?
2) Does college determine how successful you will be in life?

Please give me your opinion on this topic.

1) Without a doubt. Even if the college experience didn't teach you different methods of thinking through problems and improve your logical thinking skills (which it does, in my experience), just having that piece of paper is going to open up doors for you that would otherwise remain forever closed.

50 years ago, you needed a high school diploma to reach the upper echelons of management. 25 years ago, it was a bachelor's degree. Today, it's a masters. Without the paper that says you can handle it, it's assumed that you can't.

2) Define successful. It varies WIDELY from person to person. Financially successful? See above.


New Member
I think it all depends. I think a college degree helps in qualifying for more jobs because many list that as a core requirement. But if you have a degree in Liberal Arts and you're applying for an engineering job, it might not help all that much.

I will honestly say that not having a degree has never affected me being considered for jobs that I've applied for. I know this to be fact because I've been offered every job I've interviewed for. Before the economy tanked, in my field (IT), I saw a trend in job requirements--they wanted more experience than a degree or certifications. Now that there is such a big surplus of non-employed IT people, that degree could make all the difference.

My boyfriend is still paying off his 4 year college education at B.U. for Journalism. And he's making great money. As a web designer. That degree didn't do much for him in the way of getting jobs or more money. :shrug:

So I guess my answer is yes and no. :D


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
College opens doors and gets you in them. Knowledge keeps you there and makes you successful. You can do it without college by being lucky, but that's a long shot.


Well-Known Member
Yes. but with a huge but at the end of that sentence. Do NOT go to college or university aiming to get just any degree. You have to have a concrete path that you want to take in your career path before choosing which department you enter.

I've seen people go to University and get out with Masters degrees in Liberal Arts or English Lit and they might as well have kept the money and spent it on a Mustang. The Mustang would've impressed the interiewer more. With a clearly defined path in mind, by all means, get the hard, study hard and leave the booze and drugs for after school is over...when it's time to party and you can actually afford it.

When you've got your mind made, go and talk to someone in the field that you want to be in. A Public Relations officer or a HR Manager will be able to tell you what kind of degree/skill-set/experience that their company is looking for and what they might be looking for in a few years. That 'real-world' contact will serve you better than any school counsellor...believe it!

As for being's tough to be happy while working at McD's and with nothing in your pocket but lint...don't let anyone fool you. Money can and does buy happiness.

Last point...when you choose what you want to do with your career...choose something fun, or rather, something that you would find fun. Nothing sucks more than doing something that you hate day-in day-out. You'll get sick of it and choose another career...unfortunatly one that might not fit your education or degree.

Take it from a guy with a BA in Sociology, who'se a Graphic Designer and a Parish Administrator. $10k in the hole and a piece of framed paper on the wall to show for it...reminds me...I really have to dust it one day, the accumulation is making it tilt to the left.


Staff member
I have not read this whole thread...but my opinion is:

College can be helpful, depending on what path you choose...other than being a teacher or something what is a degree in English gonn aget you??? hmmm??? Somethings like that i see as a waste fo time. But, things that you have ot have a degree to do (like Engineering) then college is a way to reach a an Engineer


New Member
Nixy said:
I have not read this whole thread...but my opinion is:

College can be helpful, depending on what path you choose...other than being a teacher or something what is a degree in English gonn aget you??? hmmm??? Somethings like that i see as a waste fo time.

Whatever happened to going to university to get an education? :disgust2:


New Member
From my experience job hunting-having a college education does help a whole, whole lot in getting a nice paying job, but I don't think it factors on if you'll be successful or not

Ms Ann Thrope

New Member
BeardofPants said:
Whatever happened to going to university to get an education? :disgust2:

It became a path to financial success when people started looking for fulfillment economically, rather than in the pleasure of intellectual discovery and challenge. :mad:


New Member
Bill Gates never finished his degree......and he seems to have done allright for himself :shrug:


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Oz said:
Bill Gates never finished his degree......and he seems to have done allright for himself :shrug:

Knowledge keeps you there and makes you successful.

That is the key. A college degree these days just gives you a shot. IF and only IF you really know your shit, which college may or may not teach you, you will succeed. There are far too many people out there with degrees that don't know a damn thing about the profession they got the degree for. Bish is right on the money up there too, go talk to the people you might be working for before you start, or at least by your second year, you will find that the classes your school says you have to have, or your advisor tells you to have may or may not be the classes your future employer would like you to have. I think I'd rather please my future employer, wouldn't you?

By the way an MBA, if you're going for that, don't bother. Get a job at McDonalds, work your way up to management, you will make more faster than if you get that MBA.


New Member
BeardofPants said:
Whatever happened to going to university to get an education? :disgust2:

Don't kid yourself, the olden days weren't quite so golden. That luxury was always reserved for those who could afford it. The rest got jobs straight out of, or even before the end of high school. Most of us can't afford to spend huge sums of money simply for the ideal of "higher learning", much as we might want to. Let's face it; today, many, many more kids are getting a post-secondary education than in my father's time.


New Member
Ms Ann Thrope said:
It became a path to financial success when people started looking for fulfillment economically, rather than in the pleasure of intellectual discovery and challenge. :mad:

:mad: I suppose that's why the fields of IT, commerce, medicine, and law are inundated with applicants. Nice and 'sensible'. :disgust: