I just wanna wake up one day, roll over, and see the most beauitiful woman in the world, smiling and being happy. Thats it....
... then suddenly she turns into Martha Stewart in a G-String, cooking me brownies made out of Jack Daniels. She walks over, all sexy, then she rubs the brownies on her face and she runs around proclaiming "The walrus's are right handed!" while Judas Priest comes busting through the wall doing his best Kool Aid man impression. At that point, Osama comes in wearing a Tutu and pasties made of duct tape, dancing to "The Nut Cracker" while the Keelber elves are banging Judge Judy in the ass with a Match Light fire log covered in honey and dipped in MSG while I sit and eat Juju Bees until I vomit while I listen to some Techno tunes spun by Milli Vanilli, The Olson Twins, and Steve Irwin while I watch Cartoon Network until my Cerebrum fuses.
Thats pretty much it I guess. Well, the short version anyway.