'Don't Kick It'

I already know all I need to know
and silly bleeding heart props-o-ganda
won't change the basic facts.

Bye Bye Terry and good riddance

We have to pay all our attention to the Jacko trial!

Now that Robert Blake is free to go!
well wink, the way I see it....
just as in this case....
If you didn't specify in a will, and your spouse wanted to keep you alive, but
your parents didn't, it would be the same for me, if I was a judge, congessman....
I'd have to visit you first hand.

Now if the spouse, and parents agree, either way, it should be according to their wishes.

In my religion (my bible) it makes reference to the latter days, that people
will want to die, but won't be able too. That just isn't right, but we have to make
sure "SOMEHOW" that that's what the persons real wishes are.
Jeb Bush, after not knowing her name & mis-speaking a simialr one, finally did visit Terry. He then wrote & introduced a bill to the FL legislature.
I firmly believe in the "right to die", and think Dr. Kevorkian should be acquitted.

make no mistake. I agree with you. But in this case the husband made the decision. I feel that he did so because of selfish reasons. Not because she wanted to. But because he wanted her dead.
freako104 said:
make no mistake. I agree with you. But in this case the husband made the decision. I feel that he did so because of selfish reasons. Not because she wanted to. But because he wanted her dead.
me too, furthermore, I believe he tried to kill her, and he's afraid
she might get to a point where she can testify.
that was not a thought I had since what I saw on the news said she was making progress but again it was slow progress. so it would probably take a lot of time befiore she could stand before a court and speak in a clear tone
Oh, it would probably take time, but according to her family, and
some physicians, she hasn't had hardly any therapy.
OK so what is the difference between this case and a fetus's case for life? Realistically this woman is no different. She is totally dependant on others for life. she can do nothing for herself. Yet everyone thinks she should live... SHE DESERVES THE CHANCE. But when we talk of a fetus, its not a human yet? And why is that? Its a human, its alive. Its totally dependant on the mother for noursihment and its well being. But its easier to discard this. I find it truely amazing how people can fight for this womans rights to live in a comatose state for 15 years but can turn around in the same breath and say its a right to take the life of a fetus. Talk about double standards.
To me, it isn't a person until it's born, but at a certain stage, it is possible
that the fetus could survive without the mother, and that's the point I
consider it late-term.
Im being devils advocate here, Nothing is directed at anyone Im just questioning why?
At second term a fetus has fingers and toes its pretty much defined. you can see which sex it is and all. So how can it not be a person?
And if you truely believe that how could you believe in GOD? we cant see him. how do you know he/she exist?
And this woman cant survive without this tube, or the rest of the medical attention she is recieving. So does that make her not a person?
I consider the fetus to be part of the woman while it is inside her. when she gives birth I see it as a baby. She is not a fetus. she has been born and raised.
In my religion, you can't into the kingdom of Heaven until you are "born again"
hence my belief on life.
I only believe even in late term abortion, if the life of the mother is at stake.

If there was a way of knowing for sure that is was terri's desire to die at this
time, I wouldn't have any reservations at all.
It just seems to me, just as in the Peterson case, that the husband has done
just about everything wrong to keep suspicion off him.
samcurry said:
And this woman cant survive without this tube, or the rest of the medical attention she is recieving. So does that make her not a person?

This woman may be able to survive without her the feeding tube, Michael has vetoed the possibility & the Judge has declared food illegal. Hubby has outright said that nobody may try to feed her, incuding the last rites wafer...in case she eats it & proves she's viable.
I love it. situational ethics at work.

"In cases like this one, where there are serious questions and substantial doubts, our society, our laws and our courts should have a presumption in favor of life," President Bush said in a statement after signing the bill."

Gov. Bush, praised the actions of Congress. "We in government have a duty to protect the weak, disabled and vulnerable," he said in a statement Monday. "I appreciate the efforts of state and federal lawmakers on both sides of the aisle who have taken this duty to heart."

The bill passed in Congress applies only to Schiavo and would allow a federal court to review the case. The House passed the bill on a 203-58 vote early Monday after calling lawmakers back for an emergency Sunday session. The Senate approved the bill Sunday by voice vote.

Why should it only be for this woman? Doesnt everyone deserve this oppertunity? Isnt it our right? Apparently not.
The right to life is not guaranteed. The right to death is not guaranteed. This woman mentioned once that she didn't want to live as a vegetable. GW would just assume sign a right to life bill. Can you imagine the uproar? Look at the ruckus over one woman. Had she signed a living will, spelling out her wishes, this wouldn't be a problem. I know for a fact that I don't want to be kept alive artificially. I don't find sustenance to be artificial. I bet she wouldn't either. Why not give her a chance to tell us, herself.
I don't think so. It's not an all encompassing "rights" issue. At least they had teh cajones to give her a full bill, instead of hiding it in the Illegal Alien Staus as a Minor bill (or something)
So now ,the Federal Court of Appeals and if that don't go their way the US Supreme Court,then Bush will make some Presidential ruling anyway :rolleyes: