'Don't Kick It'

Damn this girl is one toughie
when is she gonna finally croak
so we can get back to the Jackson trial?
Not if they cram the tube back in.

Ain't it supposed to take like only three days
to croak from lack of water?

The Terri Schiavo death watch continues...
WOOHOO!!! Sometimes this country makes me so proud

St. Francis Catholic worker Lana Jacobs (R) is arrested by Pinellas Park, Florida police officers and is handcuffed by Pinellas Park Sheriff deputies for trespassing. Jacobs tried to take a bottle of water into the Woodside Hospice for Terri Schiavo in Pinellas Park, Florida on March 22, 2005. Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman who resides at the Hospice had her feeding tube removed last Friday, March 18, 2005 by a court order. REUTERS

Yahoo Reuters photos
Although he had to be asked twice to look at his monitor and to put his glasses back on so he could see it clearly, he did not find the video evidence sufficiently “consistent and reproducible.” He opined that “cognitive function would manifest itself in a constant response to stimuli.” Pat Anderson, the Schindlers’ attorney, explained in a World Net Daily article that Judge Greer, in evaluating the video, used a “scorecard” approach that “stacked the deck no matter how Terri responded. If she always responded—it was just primitive brain-stem activity. If she randomly responded—it was not repetitive enough.” Interestingly, Judge Greer and Felos have sought to suppress the video, and Judge Greer ordered the Schindlers not to photograph or videotape Terri in the future, under threat of legal sanction.


Let's put Greer on the US Supreme Court. He'd like Ruth & Stephen.
I don't think she's gonna make it that far.
Now we're gonna be watching the court trial next where her family brings
charges to Mikey, and possibly some gov. agencies.
The world will be a better place
once this poor woman shuffles off
her mortal coil and we can get back to
focusing on the important things in life
like the Jacko trial.

Glenn Beck
Well she's dead now. :(
catocom said:
I don't think she's gonna make it that far.
Now we're gonna be watching the court trial next where her family brings
charges to Mikey, and possibly some gov. agencies.
Question: If the autopsy proves that she was in fact brain dead since fifteen years ago (I'm not sure it can), will that change anyone's mind about what happened?

Not mine, BTW.
from the autopsy, if it doesn't show any broken bones, or can't determine
any kind of physical abuse, it would slightly change my view on Michel, but
Id' still be suspicious.
I don't know if an autopsy really could say much on weather she could have been
at least partially rehabilitated, like so she could speak better. :confused:
Even the "experts" will tell you that there's a whole bunch
that they still don't know about the human brain.