drinks, anyone?

Leslie said:
wow, you make it sound so much fun, chcr!!! :beerbang:

I'm pretty sure it would be fun to watch too. You might not like the following morning though.
ah heck...it's not that often, and hey, it's not much different than pregnant, so what the hey :eyemouth:
Leslie said:
ah heck...it's not that often, and hey, it's not much different than pregnant, so what the hey :eyemouth:

I hope you're not raising a hangover????????
Whiskey on the rocks or whiskey and coke are my current drinks of choice.

Irish Car Bombs are f*cking great too.

Well, whatever you do, stay away from British Bulldogs - it's a godawful mixture of Sambuca, Stroh Rum and Tequila :sick:

I'm not a big fan of beer and if I do drink one it'll probably be a piss assed beer like Heineken. Prefer stronger stuff. Jack is always welcome at my party, as long as he brings his friends mr Smirnoff, Captain Morgan and ol' José :drink:

Big fan of red wine - but don't give me plonk! I don't order red wine by the glass at bars anymore because they always give you that crappy stuff from the box.
didn't know it was that awful down here amongst the canned beer and *gasp* mixed drink guzzling paeons
Leslie said:
didn't know it was that awful down here amongst the canned beer and *gasp* mixed drink guzzling paeons

Canned beer? That's posh! :D

I've had many a weekend where I've had to resort to my home-brewed beer supply :D :drink:

Not that I mind.........eight pints of the stuff gets me quite merrily merry *hic*
I have a hard time these days staying up past 10 so I don't need any help going to bed earlier. For me it's wine. I used to hate this shit, some of the white wines and some blushes are pretty good. I can't handle the real dark shit like Merlot though. That stuff is just to nasty tasting.
You get to go to bed by 10pm??? JEEZ MAN! Trade with me?! I am up til ATLEAST 11 usually midnight or 1...
Soft- beer (la Cinquante 50) or some wines - I've gotten fairly picky about my wines recently
Medium - Baileys or Grand Marnnier (Mostly with deserts)
Hard- Vodka (freezer-cold, no ice), Jack Daniels, Sambuca
Very Hard - Pacharan *Tastes as sweet as an angel...holding a sledgehammer to your head*
Nixy said:
You get to go to bed by 10pm??? JEEZ MAN! Trade with me?! I am up til ATLEAST 11 usually midnight or 1...

i try to get to bed by midnight but it never works i lay there restless for about an hour then get up and stay up till about 2 am then i finally fall asleep around 2:30-3:00 am just to get up at 5:30 am it's a fiscous cycle that i fear theres no escape from.....howev i think ive formulated a solution to this madness....if i start drinking screwdrivers at 6pm i should be pretty much be (anihalted)--dont ask i dont know) by 10:30-11ish and be passed out no later then midnight.
i go to bed anywhere between 11:00 pm and 2:00 am.....girls wake up at 9:30 am-ish. i wish i could sleep more.