That is a pretty bizarre argument you have there.
Prior to the war, a majority of people supported a war in Iraq, but they were split on the issue of whether we should have UN support. Bush attempted to get UN support, but France threatened to veto any resolution that would carry war as a consequence of Iraq's failure to comply. Obviously, France had no intention of enforcing the UN resolutions, and they were going to use their veto power to insure that we could not gain UN support for enforcing the resolution through military action. Now, isn't it just possible that the people who wanted UN support for the war looked at that and decided, "fuck France and the UN," and decided that the president was right to go ahead with the war?
What you're doing, Flav, and it's a failing of socialists in general, is you're talking about people as if they're mindless sheep who are easily led by political propaganda. This is how the left reacts when the people go in a different direction from them, and it's why they try to generate so much media coverage for themselves through protests. They can't understand why they can put a million people in the middle of DC protesting the war, and yet that 70% doesn't budge. Obviously, their propaganda campaign is failing because the media coverage hasn't been sympathetic enough, or they've been out-maneuvered by the pols. It certainly can't have anything to do with those 70% having drawn their own conclusions by weighing the different sides and arriving at a rational decision. It can't be that, because, the socialists believe, if they were rational, they would agree with the socialists!