Earth is too crowded

MrBishop said:
Classic U.S. vs. them ideology.

Earth's population doubled since 1960! If the environmental impact doesn't swaay you, think of it this way. India and China are full to the brim with people... what happens when it spills over?

Can you say invasion?

I knew that you could.
Where in the fuck did I say 'we' = 'US'? How dare you brush off my intent as a being an egocentric American. I mean 'we' as in the whole friggin world. Every population group is showing alarming trends of obesity as compared with any given decade prior. If I mean to say the US, I will fucking say so. How dare you smugly look down your nose to me and talk of populations to the 'brim' and 'enviornmental impact' when you are having offspring and I am not.
I do believe we are just too many, I'm not willing to kill myself for that bu I plan to have 2 kids at most.
The earth is definitely not overpopulated.

Global fertility and birth rates have been rapidly decreasing for more than twenty-five years.

Source: Wetzel, Sexual Wisdom, 273.

In fact, almost every developed country in the world has a below-replacement fertility rate.

Source: Wetzel, Sexual Wisdom, 274.

At this rate, the global population should top off at seven billion in 2030, and then begin to sink.

Source: Steven Mosher, Unto the Least of These My Brethren: U.S. Population Control Policy, Respect Life (Washington D.C.: United States Catholic Conference, Inc., 1998), 1.

Today, humans occupy only one to three percent of the earth's surface. If you gathered every human being on earth, we would all fit in Jacksonville, Florida. Everyone could also fit in Texas, and each person would have more than a thousand square feet in which to live.

Source: Wilson, Love & Family, 192–193.

This provides more living space than people have in San Francisco, and slightly less than they have in the Bronx.

Source: Jacqueline Kasun, Too Many People? Envoy, May–June 1998, 34.

The problem is not a lack of space, but an unjust distribution of resources. "According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, world food supplies exceed requirements in all world areas."

Source: Kasun, Too Many People? 36.

Bad economic policy causes human poverty, not overpopulation. Check here for proof of this! :headbang:
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'd kinda like to keep mine around for a month or three if it's all the same... :grim:

See, it's always me me me. Do what's good for humankind please :D
unclehobart said:
Where in the fuck did I say 'we' = 'US'? How dare you brush off my intent as a being an egocentric American. I mean 'we' as in the whole friggin world. Every population group is showing alarming trends of obesity as compared with any given decade prior. If I mean to say the US, I will fucking say so. How dare you smugly look down your nose to me and talk of populations to the 'brim' and 'enviornmental impact' when you are having offspring and I am not.
The whole friggin world isn't getting fat doing it. Certain first-world countries (yes, including Canada and parts of Europe) are getting fat doing it.

You will not find a whole lot of obeisity problems in the developing nations and that's where you'll find the population explosion. The birth-rate in North America is dropping..the population rate is going up through immigration.

As for offspring. If I was having more than just enough to replace MrsBish and I, I'd understand where you were coming from. If I was having 4-6 kids, I wouldn't be arguing against it.

As for my reply....
you said:
Too much to sustain? We're doing it and growing fat doing it.

*dismissive wave*
Sounds pretty well egocentric to me. It's not happening here so its not an issue. If you're going to act dismissive, expect the repurcussions, sir!
Soooo, put words into his mouth, get called on it, and refuse to even begin to admit you might be in the wrong.

Is there any way we could get all the super-stupid and super-rich people (just realised that I can think of one specific person who actually falls into both categories) to line up and remove themselves from the genepool? Redistribute their wealth to eliminate third world debt etc etc and raise the global IQ just a tad?


Awe dyamn.