eBay doesn't like homeschoolers


molṑn labé
Staff member
...eBay's recent announcement that it was banning all teachers' textbooks of any sort, including all such homeschool supplies.

The new policy from eBay was made known as people who were auctioning various books watched as their postings were deleted. The company said it was just policy.

"As you may know, eBay does not permit items that are illegal, dangerous, offensive, or potentially infringing. Additionally, eBay has just recently made the decision to prohibit the sale of Teacher's Editions of textbooks and solutions manuals that are intended solely for use by teachers. Since eBay strives to be a level-playing field, all Teacher's Edition textbooks, manuals and guides will be covered under this policy. Unfortunately, home schooling Teacher's Editions are not exempt from this policy and this policy will apply to all grade levels."

Other items banned from eBay include animals, artifacts, autographed items, academic software, bootleg recordings, credit cards, drugs and paraphernalia, government IDs, lockpicking devices, human remains, police-related items, used underwear and used cosmetics, among others.

How do homeschooling texts fall under the categories of illegal, dangerous, offensive, or potentially infringing?


Alternative place for homeschooling supplies
Only thing that I can think of is that teachers' editions of the textbooks might have answers, which could help somebody cheat.

Although, in my experience, teachers tend to make their own tests. Seems kinda stupid to me too.
How do homeschooling texts fall under the categories of illegal, dangerous, offensive, or potentially infringing?

I know there's something wierd about copyrights and educational material, but I don't know specifically what it is. I'll bet it's simply a legal c-y-a.

...or a commie plot to keep American kids stupid. :lloyd:
I know there's something wierd about copyrights and educational material, but I don't know specifically what it is. I'll bet it's simply a legal c-y-a.

...or a commie plot to keep American kids stupid. :lloyd:

They need a plot for that?
Trust me, I have firsthand experience (if that still counts as an accurate source in the RW) - They don't need to ban textbooks to get kids to stop readin'. All they gotta do is install Cable TV. That'll keep 'em from learnin'.
I know there's something wierd about copyrights and educational material, but I don't know specifically what it is. I'll bet it's simply a legal c-y-a.

...or a commie plot to keep American kids stupid. :lloyd:

Looking at our school systems, the commie plot is working.
ok ... been curious about this fer a while now ..what do you guys mean by 'homeschooling' exactly? ..and is it a big thing over there?

i get the impression there is a certain section of society that is into it, but am not overly sure ...

spill de beans folks ... what's it all about? Good thing / bad thing ..what?
Teaching your kids at home instead of sending them to a school.
It's good for some and not for others. Some homeschooled kids tend to be more widely knowledgable than those that go to a school because they get more one on one time and the educational cirriculum is based around them and their interests.
ah :)

is there generally an agenda then with home schooled kids and what they are taught?

Do they tend to be socially rounded - generally?

Is there some sort of political or religious thing going on- or is it more a tradition?

(sorry - can't think of any more questions just now! :D )

The trouble that some homeschooled kids face is socialization. A lot of organizations are stepping up to involve these kids: Soccer, Cheerleading, scouts...plus there are church group and libraries that are offering a lot of socialization opportunities for these kids.
I think a lot of people do it out of a sense of despair at the shape of our nations schools. And a lot of these folks are angered at the religion coming out of the schools, they feel the morals of the school system has shifted to patrolling the children instead of teaching them.
Personally - I feel very lucky that my children are going to school in a terrific school system and I am very involved in the schools.
I know that I am not a good choice to teach my children their entire scholastic education as I am not so structured, have a learning disability myself, can be short tempered and impatient....but I respect those folks that do.
Public schools in the US have been emasculated. They teach you how to fail.
i'll be damned if i'm gonna let some dunbshit public school teacher "teach" any kids i'm party to... not that they're all dumbshits, just lots of 'em. and i ain't taking that chance.
Ever meet an education major at college? Jesus H. Christ, 75% of them are functionally e-liter-ate.