Every day, the economy is becoming more and more an 0bama economy.

some think it's funny now, but our money is Already turning funny money.
Nobody trusts us much to deal with us now.

I hope we don't get there, but the way the gov. is spending...

bernanke has to go.
He's NOT the numbers man he is portrayed to be IMO.
I just heard Obama say he's ultimately responsible for the aig mess.
Then he says he's mad about the situation,

So by deduction...
Obama is mad at himself.

In business if you fail, you are gone.
Apparently not so in politics.
So the gov. can run us in the ground as far as they want, until revolt, or
they get out of the markets.
big questions at this time are...

How much US land do foreign companies own?
How much have we already been taken over so far?
How much of our sovereignty has been, or tried to be sacrificed?
In business if you fail, you are gone.
Apparently not so in politics.
So the gov. can run us in the ground as far as they want, until revolt, or
they get out of the markets.
That's laughable..especially considering how many golden parachutes have been opening recently..and the reason for this AIG debacle in the first place. "Bonuses and retention rewards'' for the very staff that help sink AIG.
Well, Obama just said again, "I take responsibility" for the AIG debacle.

I'd like to call for his resignation.
Yeah anyone who says "the buch stops here" has got to go. We need to go back to the days where nobody takes responsibility for anything. :laugh:

maybe it's noble to ya, and him.
Responsibility, means bearing the consequences.
That's why he said.. "If I survive".
I for one say no, not in power.