everyone hates their middle name....

NO PMS here.
My family



'bout the only strange one is MEG, we call her Meg too by the way.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
rah -- ee -- sah...with the accent on the second syllable :winkkiss:

bonus points if you can trill the "r" like a true Eastern European

What about a spanish hard r ??? :D
Tonks..you have 3? For some reason I always thought you had 2...hmmm

Cora here

for my family
Nixy said:
Tonks..you have 3? For some reason I always thought you had 2...hmmm

Cora here

for my family
i have an 8 year old that lives with my ex. i was in the navy when we divorced and since i was "deployable" he got primary custody. i have 2 that live with me, so you weren't mistaken :)
mine isnt a winner but i dont hate it. its Warren. when I was little i used to hate it. at the time i would say i dont have a middle name. not anymore tho
i love that name freako! i wanted to name malory warren if she was a boy but my husband said it reminded him of rabbits.
My middle name is Diane or is it Mary....you know how you have a name but you are catholic and at confirmation you get to pick another....so what one is it?? hmm and I feel oh so sorry for my son he is stuck with Crovers as a middle name....he is the 4th so it was carried down..
I don't have a middle name - well, I do, but it's unofficial. My parents thought it up AFTER the birth certificate was made up. It's Clare and I hate it. My brother got stuck with the mouthful - Shane Francis Bradley Jan Jobsis. :lol:
tonks said:
i love that name freako! i wanted to name malory warren if she was a boy but my husband said it reminded him of rabbits.

i could understand if he read Watership Down.
mine's Louise. i think it was my paternal grandmother's middle name... or something like that.
my initials are ALR. nothing too cool.
William, after my mom's dad.

It's OK. I like it and my first name about the same. About the only problem is my initials DWF tend to resemble the word 'dwarf'. I am by no means a dwarf. :tardbang: