everyone hates their middle name....

i liked my initials...my mom is from new zealand and they sometimes say "ta" for thank you, so TAH made the "ta" sound. kinda cute.
Mine's Susan - pretty inoffensive really. Combined it with my first name (well sort of) and you have my nickname Kaz.

My brother got stuck with a whopper - Christiaan Jacob Benjamin....dunno what it is with Afrikaner families that they always insist on giving their children family names.
I don't have a middle name per se. I do have a Mohawk name although no one knows it. My Grandmother died before she could tell anyone else. :(

My sister uses her middle name instead of her first.

My father has a mouthful of a name. Robert André Joseph Phillip Gendron... quite a doozie to write out :)

As for my son...we picked a nice one, but his initials are even better.

Javier Alexander Gendron

aka JAG
AlphaTroll said:
Interesting way to spell Javier...I'm used to it as Xavier. Do you call him Jag or by his full name?

It's the spanish spelling... the "J" is pronounced more like an H with a rolled-R after it.

We call him Javier, Javi or JAG on occasion.

A lot of my friends who can't manage the J in Javier call him JAG or at best "Havi"

:) jajajajajajaja
Marc, is it a French thing to have a multitude of names? My great-gradfather had about nine names. And it started with St. :confused:
kr5 said:
Your middle name only gets into print if you're a criminal or shoot the president.
In which case you don't deserve a nice middle name anyway? :D

Mine is 'Jane', which is functional, dull, and inoffensive, so I spose I could do worse. I still hate it though :D - but then i'm not too keen on my first name, either, and no one on earth can spell my last name - so hell lets give that a dollop of dislike too - so it's hardly like I'm singling my middle name out for special treatment :D.
Mine's Irene...after my grandma...I'm kinda neutral about it

I did torture my kids tho...their middle names are Nelson Wilton, Fisher Mowat, and Stuart Hendrick *points and laughs*
no (well yes but I didn't name them for that lol) I'm a Mowat family member...my mom's maiden name is Mowat.

the Stuart, the Mowat and the Wilton are all family names on my side...the others are on his :rolleyes: side.
My brother's middle name is Laverne. Somehow he escaped ridicule for it though.
