Well-Known Member
Gato_Solo said:1. None of us is there, so all we can do is throw darts at each other until the facts are in.
2. The press has, so far, seemed to miss a fair amount of 'good news' in favor of 'bad news'.
3. For Bish in particular...don't post the Geneva Convention, and only highlight your point. Even I know better than that.![]()
1. If they ever do come in.
2. If it bleeds, it leads. Violence plays better than drop-offs of food and nails/wood for reconstruction.

3. If I do something simple like just posting part of my point...I'm going to get jumped on. I'd prefer to post a wee bit more and highlight the most relevant bits. Unless, you want me to post the Whole Geneva Convention...let people sludge through that and eventually get my point
My point being... hospitals aren't targets unless they make themselves shooting out the windows or something. In that case... try to minimize collateral damages... an air-strike is NOT a way to minimize collateral damages.