First club experience

Nixy said:
We don't hunt, we don't allow ourselves to be hunted and we don't try to get guys to buy us drinks.

We go there to have a good time and dance. Period.

Ahhh I see you must be going to dance at the gay club... If not you are going to hunt and get hunted :leghump:
ekahs retsam said:
Ahhh I see you must be going to dance at the gay club... If not you are going to hunt and get hunted :leghump:

Unfortunately we haven't yet made it to the gay club. Though it is on the list of places to go (apparently the one here is really expensive though).
unclehobart said:
I've been to a few live rock band type clubs... even played in a few... but I have never... nor will I ever... go into one of those lamewad techo/dance/raver/dj clubs... not that they would ever let me in in the first place.

You would really like the Catery or the Varsity here in BR, even with the proximity to the campus...also, the Dark Room (where my/T/Red's friend Daniel's band has played) is growing in popularity/quality
ekahs retsam said:
Ahhh I see you must be going to dance at the gay club... If not you are going to hunt and get hunted :leghump:

They do play the best dance music (remembers his times w/ the crew from the pink trailer)
There are some nice ones, hot chicks, but better avoid the problems.
Used to go a lot in CEGEP (pre-University *Quebec thing)... we'd take over a club with 12-20 people from the same school club. Top40 place. Dancing's a good workout, especially if you stick to the booze and not the beer. I often got called upon to play "the boyfriend" ...basically some guy that a girl could cozy up to and pretend to be dating in case some creep started making unwanted moves.

In University, I skipped the drinking...then I went back to the bars after my divorce. Quasi-goth/punk/heavy clubs..where you don't dance so much as you tackle people. Sometimes you tackle the right one :)

I hit the occasional dance club, but mostly because I was working in hotels and knew the owners and barmaids.

Now, I just go to pool halls.
i used to practically live in the clubs back in the day. dont think i could tolerate the masses of drunken 20somethings now. not to mention the "music" thats popular now.

god i feel old....
I love love love going to clubs. I still love going even though everyone I know feels too old to go. I like to go in a pack of protection. I love to dance! You gang up with the "other" girl on the dance floor who can dance well, and when the guy starts moving in for the dance behind you hump, if you don't like him she pulls you away as if she owns you. If you do like him you play flirty, and HE buys your drink. All the while you never leave the dance floor. You never have to talk to the idiot, good work out, go home and take a shower, sleep all day the next day!
simplyred said:
I love love love going to clubs. I still love going even though everyone I know feels too old to go. I like to go in a pack of protection. I love to dance! You gang up with the "other" girl on the dance floor who can dance well, and when the guy starts moving in for the dance behind you hump, if you don't like him she pulls you away as if she owns you. If you do like him you play flirty, and HE buys your drink. All the while you never leave the dance floor. You never have to talk to the idiot, good work out, go home and take a shower, sleep all day the next day!

No, no, no, no, you ALWAYS go to the bar when the guy's buying you a drink, ALWAYS! You watch the bartender pour it and you take it directly from them. ALWAYS.
Nixy said:
No, no, no, no, you ALWAYS go to the bar when the guy's buying you a drink, ALWAYS! You watch the bartender pour it and you take it directly from them. ALWAYS.

damn nixy is on to my tricks...!!!
Nixy said:
No, no, no, no, you ALWAYS go to the bar when the guy's buying you a drink, ALWAYS! You watch the bartender pour it and you take it directly from them. ALWAYS.

No, you have your male protectors at the bar (part of your pack), whom you have nodded a warning, he watches the bartender, and quietly follows to the dance floor nodding to you it is okay to take the drink. He is doing this because you are hooking him up with the chick dancing next to you who is just swaying from side to side TOTALLY invading your dance space. :) Slim used to be such protection front man for me
MrBishop said:
Dancing's a good workout, especially if you stick to the booze and not the beer.

Actually, 1oz of vodka/whisky/rum has about 70 calories...add some mix to that and you're at probably 150 calories or more per seems to have about the same from my research...and if you think about it that's gonna add up quickly no matter what you're drinking.
simplyred said:
No, you have your male protectors at the bar (part of your pack), whom you have nodded a warning, he watches the bartender, and quietly follows to the dance floor nodding to you it is okay to take the drink. He is doing this because you are hooking him up with the chick dancing next to you who is just swaying from side to side TOTALLY invading your dance space. :) Slim used to be such protection front man for me

That all takes to much thought and organization for me and my friends when we're drunk.
unclehobart said:
I've been to a few live rock band type clubs... even played in a few... but I have never... nor will I ever... go into one of those lamewad techo/dance/raver/dj clubs... not that they would ever let me in in the first place.

ditto (except I damn near lived in the rock clubs)
Nixy said:
That all takes to much thought and organization for me and my friends when we're drunk.

Guess it comes from years and years in the "game". Here in Louisiana we were legal to drink at 18, so most of us were getting in the clubs at 16 with fake IDs. By 21 you have your schemes all worked out and there is no thinking involved. But I see your point.
unclehobart said:
I've been to a few live rock band type clubs... .
That's mostly what we go to. But again, we just call it 'the bar'.

Nixy said:
No, no, no, no, you ALWAYS go to the bar when the guy's buying you a drink, ALWAYS! You watch the bartender pour it and you take it directly from them. ALWAYS.
HomeLAN said:
I never did think it was worth a shit. To quote Douglas Adams, it's like a mugging. Expensive and bad for the head.
Dang, and I just gave you karma.

I hate clubbing. I've never gotten it. You go out to be social right? So why go to a place that's loud, dark, full of creepy humping twitty males, and puke all over the floor? :hmm: I'd rather hit myself in the head with a hammer. Be about the same effect.
BeardofPants said:
Dang, and I just gave you karma.

I hate clubbing. I've never gotten it. You go out to be social right? So why go to a place that's loud, dark, full of creepy humping twitty males, and puke all over the floor? :hmm: I'd rather hit myself in the head with a hammer. Be about the same effect.
Just when I was starting to think you were kinda cool.

Where else are you going to hear fantastic dance music and shake your ass off without anyone really watching you?