Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Thulsa Doom said:Am I the only one who thinks we are chucking apples and oranges at each other here? If you put north america slap dab into the mideast would we react in the same exact way to things as we do now? or would there be CHRISTIAN bombings and CHRISTIAN extremism more prevelant in a culture that doesnt do as good a job of sublimating such reactionism? or are certain people here saying that the very nature of christianity AND civil white resource rich westernism will always be a higher more humane level of existence then the middle eastern muslimism we see in 30 second news snipits on fox and CNN?
Possibly not, but, for the time we're living in, it's not happening, is it? Your posting of a hypothetical situation does not have any bearing to what is going on factually, but since you're going that route, I'll add this tidbit...
If mainstream Muslims openly, and forcefully, denounced Islamic terrorists both in the pulpit and on the street, would we have as many terrorists who are Muslim today?