Gas Prices - how are they where you are?

K62 said:
Lucky guy. It jumped to $1.19/L today :(

I will need to pick up a new (to me) car in about a month or so, and I am not looking forward to it :crying4:

1.19 is still better than the 1.42 we have here. :crying4:
Y'know, I'm thinking, right now might be a great time to set up a Reliant dealership in Canada. Hell, if something as ugly as the Smart is gonna take over the roads, selling the Robin will be a breeze.
Like all commercial outlets, they could not possibly care less about us.

It's cyclical gouging. Holiday weekend upcoming. They'll jack it for every penny they can for a coupla weeks, then when they lower it back to $2.649 we think they're doing us a favor.
The pizza places have stopped delivering here because the gas has run out and they want enough to make it limping through the next 3 days.

Tonks feels guilty because they brought her the pizza she ordered only because she used to work there... everyone else got a callback saying 'sorry. retrocative cancel.'

Society might start to unravel when the trucks cant roll and keep the bread on the shelves and school buses grind to a halt.
Professur said:
I take it you managed to get the bearing fixed on the minivan?
yep, and I filled that sucker up at 2.59/gal too :D

Yep unc 3 of 5 are completely out here. :confused:
We need more refining capacity. Theres tons of oil... just not enough turnover from oil into petrol. From what I know, there hasn't been a new facility made in 20 years because of lawsuits and footdragging by the EPA and Greenpeace. There needs to be an executive order to blast through this crap. Not only do we need a strategic oil reserve... we need a strategic capacity reserve.
More like 30 years. For awhile, Bush was noising about the idea of setting up refineries on closed military bases, but I haven't heard that repeated in 3 months.

I think it's a damned good idea. Lease gthe land at a discount to manufacturers, and let 'em build.
Isn't good for the economy to keep the prices up?

I assume that's why they are not building more refineries.
Actually, no it's not. At this point, it's going to start strangling the economy. That increased delivery cost is going to seep into everything consumers buy, and pretty soon you have a nasty inflation issue.

Do a bit of reading on what happened to the US economy in 1973.