Seeing as how I stay out of the RW because of all the unnecessary heightened emotions it tends to cause, I had no idea any of this was happening. I could sit back and let it all flow, but I feel compelled to say something. Some may say it's none of my business, but seeing as how we are all members here and these posts were made publicly and effects us all, I do believe it is all of our business. I have a feeling this post may be long, but I would beg that it be read as I wouldn't bother to post anything regarding this topic lest I felt it was important.
First, I would just like to point out that I am neither pro-capitalism nor pro-socialism. I not pro-welfare nor am I anti-welfare. There are just as many reasons, I feel, that welfare should be abolished as there are reasons to keep it going.
I enjoyed reading Ards' first post - it was inciteful, intelligent, and well-written. I too, did not think it was a matter of debate - I felt it was more an incite into his views for our benefit. To be honest, I don't see where the need to debate came from or why it became necessary to involve personal feelings and/or familial choices. I also don't see where Les statement was a matter of debate. She too, was merely stating her view point on the subject, using her life as a means to make others familiar with why she feels the way she does.
I know what Les is going through. It's one of the most crappy feelings in the world to find that the person you've shared a life with is not the person you thought he was - and that you're worse off financially at this moment of realization than you ever were. I was there - and it is not a great place to be. In debt in the tens of thousands merely because being married to him made me responsible by default. My family helped as much as they possibly could - they always do. That's one of the great things about having a large family. But there came a time when I realized that I could not feed my children with my pride. I went to the local welfare office, filled out an application, and received food stamps. Shopping with those things was one of the most degrading periods of my life - but I did it for my children. I had to put aside my preconceived ideas about people on welfare, and suck it up in order to feed them. I was on public assistance for 3 months and have not gone back to that office again. Prior to this experience, I was so tired of seeing "welfare families" who had more than I, though I worked twice as hard. I have, since that time, become acquainted with those who, like myself, took the help and moved on. They are few and far between, but they do exist. I am grateful that that help was available to myself and my children - and even more thankful that I had the kind of values instilled in me that enabled me to see that it was indeed "help", and not a way in which to live my life. Were I not afforded this experience, I dare say I would still be completely prejudiced against the welfare system and those who reap the benefits.
What I'm trying to say is that when it comes to taking care of your children, there is no shame and no blame in putting aside a little bit of pride and prejudice while you get yourself together. Les - I don't think you're weak at all. I think you're a great woman - a great mom and a great friend who deserves much more than you've been dealt. And it comes, hun - I promise. After all the crap, there is nothing left but good.
Making that thread a debate over people - real people who frequent this forum - and the way they choose to care for their families wasn't cool at all. We all do what we can for the health and welfare of our families, the best way we know how. Sitting on the side and judging is one thing. Pointing the finger and making others feel even more worthless than scum is another. We've all done that from time to time here, but for some reason, this was so hurtful - even to me, and I wasn't even involved in the thread. More hurtful than I thought most of us had the ability to be.
Ards, I understand your feeling of having to leave this site. I do, however, wish you would reconsider, but I will support whatever decision you feel is necessary for yourself and for Jan. I, myself, have left a forum or two because of the clashing of minds.
Many friendships have been made here - apologies are small, but small steps are sometimes necessary in order to make things right. I apologize if I offend anyone here, but I honestly feel these things needed to be said.
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