Genetic manipulation

You get to pick your child's sexual orientation before birth:

  • Straight

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Gay

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Random chance, I don't care what my child's sexual orientation is going to be.

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters


I was just wondering... If you had the ability to choose the sexual orientation of your child before birth, what would you pick? Nothing else would be altered, and there is no risk.

Same as whether I could choose whether my child has a giant eye in the middle of their forehead. I would of course choose no third eye, just for the sake of social acceptance (despite the obvious benefits it could have when trying to see over objects without going on tiptoes). There would also be a degree of kinship towards other trioptical lifeforms.

Edit - Actually, I might consider it if I also knew the child would have malformed Achilles' tendons. :)

OK that isn't the question... For a minute, suppose you can pick your child's sexual orientation by some magical means. What would you pick?
random i dont care what he/she is sexually it is my child and i will love him/her. and for social acceptance id want her to be as weird as possible to push what might be acceptable(if i have an androgynous kid thats better is what i mean) but its my child. i love him/her no matter what and i wont make decisions like that.
Well, I don't think I'd want to choose. I don't think you can choose, I don't think it's all genetic, no matter what they say.

I think I'd just have to accept whatever I get. It's really not that big of deal. I mean really, my son's gay, I get two guys to come over and help me move instead of one, or if my daughters gay, I get to discuss chicks with my daughter. How cool is that? :headbang:
Jeslek said:
OK that isn't the question... For a minute, suppose you can pick your child's sexual orientation by some magical means. What would you pick?
I did pick, who cares. Why would you edit your children. I realize it's going to happen, I just don't get it. I was just commenting on the premise. :D
i voted straight (but i'm not going to argue wether it is possible to edit that genetically)
Random - I don't think that my child's sexual orientation would change my love for them, and more than my friend's orientation has anything to do with how well I get along with them.

If I HAD to choose one or the other (as if sexuality wasn't on a wide grey-scale), I'd have to pick Heterosexual. Frankly, Homosexuality has not reached a point where it is as socially acceptable as I'd like. When I think about the rampant homophobia out there, and the social pressure to conform to a "norm", I shudder to think of what goes through a gay/lesbien person's psyche every day. I'd rather not subject any child of mine to any more pain than necessary.

Humans are nice, but people are wild, violent animals with no lookout but for themselves.
well if by some freak accident I do have children, I guess I'd love them enough to not really care which way they swing, they would still be my child, and I'd love them just the same :D
can't say i'd care......either way is ok, as long as they are happy. i do doubt i'd ever get/want kids, but that's another story...
Random... surprise me...

Just as I wouldn't pick their gender, eye colour, hair colour, etc. It's who they are that counts, not what they are...
What they are is who they are. Same way you wouldn't disadvantage your kids by giving them a mental illness, you can give them an advantage to succeed. Random chance for some things is fine but if you can give it a push in a certain direction then you're giving your kid a headstart.