GOD is a lazy slob.


Well-Known Member
What if god was one of us/ just a slob like one of us
just a stranger on the bus/ trying to make his way home
no one calling on the phone/ except for maybe the pope in Rome

Joan Osbourne - "what if god was one of us"

Do you think that god is one of us???. That once in a while the regiening diety looks down upon us through our own eyes as one of us humans. That he takes a walk around this Earth as another stanger you saw on the street and forgot about but he/she didn't forget you....he/she remembered everything about you and what you stood for. Do you think god ever gets lonely and wishes for a better existence or just better companionship and more respect.

I disagree with that part of the song that says no one calls god on the phone except for maybe the pope in Rome. I'd think god's phone wouldn't stop ringing from all the prayers and requests. That god's answering machine would be choked in prayers for a better life or love or anything.

What do you think?
It's possible, I suppose. They say he made humans in his own image... so that leads one to believe he'd look just like any other person. With that in mind, he might just be that jerk that always cuts you off on the road, or the asshole that doesn't stop for you at a pedestrian crossing, or one of the homeless guys doing drugs in the ghetto of just about every major city in America, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, or your father (no pun intended), or even President Bush. :lol:

Buttcrackdivine said:
What do you think?

From the First Book of Bokonon, verses 2-4:

Bokonon said:
In the beginning, God created the earth, and he looked upon it in His cosmic loneliness.

And God said, "Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done." And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close as mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. "What is the purpose of all this?" he asked politely.

"Everything must have a purpose?" asked God.

"Certainly," said man.

"Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this," said God.

And He went away.

love that song. i think he could be but im spiritual in terms of wiccanism so i dont believe in god per se but i believe in deities.
Well god could be separated in many different species at once keeping check on all of his/her creations or he/she could be just a bloated figment of our imagination.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Well god could be separated in many different species at once keeping check on all of his/her creations or he/she could be just a bloated figment of our imagination.

we might be figments of another imagination as well BCD.
Okay heres the deal.

Scientists figure our world has been around for 5-6billion years (or is it universe?) Now, God finished his creations on the 6th day and its common beliefe do turn down naysayers that a "godday" is longer than our 24 hour days, so to make science and religion coexist peacefully we would logically assume its 6billion years (the worlds been around) but what does god do on day 7?


Buttcrackdivine said:
I thought our friend Decarte dicarded that thought through..."Cognito ergo sum"

it was him who said i think therefore i am. those who question their exsistence are real. they are real because they think they are.
I thought our friend Decarte dicarded that thought through..."Cognito ergo sum"
That means you're real, but the rest of us could all be figments of your imagination, and posting comments the way your subconcious expects us to. How scary is that???
HubbaHubba said:
Okay heres the deal.

Scientists figure our world has been around for 5-6billion years (or is it universe?) Now, God finished his creations on the 6th day and its common beliefe do turn down naysayers that a "godday" is longer than our 24 hour days, so to make science and religion coexist peacefully we would logically assume its 6billion years (the worlds been around) but what does god do on day 7?



The Earth is less than 5 billion years old, and even then if you equate 1 billion Earth years = 1 God day, then the timeline in Genesis is off by a country mile.

You can either accept science, or the creation story, but trying to make them agreeable is futile.
HubbaHubba said:
Okay heres the deal.

Scientists figure our world has been around for 5-6billion years (or is it universe?) Now, God finished his creations on the 6th day and its common beliefe do turn down naysayers that a "godday" is longer than our 24 hour days, so to make science and religion coexist peacefully we would logically assume its 6billion years (the worlds been around) but what does god do on day 7?


What about the 8 billion years BEFORE the earth was formed? and then it took about a few billion years to get life on there in the first place.

I dont believe in god
But thats religions answer to everything. When something like this comes up and someone asks 'Why does something like this happen' the religious will always say either 'god works in mysterious ways' or 'because god wills it so'

its all hooey IMO :zap:
It's a matter of interpretation...There was no light or night...then there was...there were no planets, then there were. The meausre of one day is one rotation of a planet about it's axis, and related to the star it goes around (absence or presence of light). If there were no planets until the second day...how were days measured?

The word of God can't be known...it can only be interpreted with that the person knows. If God had told someone that it took him 6 'rgelhim's to make the universe...and the person getting the message didn't know what a 'rgelhim was...or what the universe meant...they'd make up their own ideas. A 'rgehhim becomes a day, and the universe becomes the place where the listener is standing...not even a planet, or a planet going around a star, which is one of many stars, in one of many galaxies etc... how can they possibly get the interpretation right?

It'd be like giving sentient thought to an ant...the entire universe would be one plowed field of corn, the farmer (who plowed and planted the field) would be the creator...it took him about 6 days to plough and seed that field and then he took a day off.

So...Farmer-Bob created the ant's universe in 6 days and rested on the 7th...or so the ant thinks.

We may never know the truth...I may go so far as to say that we NEVER will know the truth. We're just specs...and if someone(s) did create our planet...or build it...we wouldn't know it either..nor really understand it.

**MrBishop didn't get a lot of sleep last night...pardon the ramblings**
Its alright I get your meaning but I just meant the whole god concept should have been dropped when we figured out what really happened
steweygrrrr said:
Its alright I get your meaning but I just meant the whole god concept should have been dropped when we figured out what really happened

YOu mean to say "When we figure it out" (Future tense) - we still don't know...whenever anyone asks how the universe started...they say "Big Bang"... all well and good, but what caused the big bang...what was there before the big bang...where did all that energy come from.

I know that Religion can be obfuscating...it hides more than it reveals...but for certain people who will never understand thermal dynamics, bent-space theories...or delude themselves into thinking that the sun goes around the flat earth... they need some sort of way to interpret what's happening around them... religion is good for that. Don't ask..it just IS...that's all.

Religion is also a pretty good way of setting morals accross great distances... it's one of the few books of laws (Bible/Koran/whatever)...where the laws and rules don't change drastically when you switch countries/states/continents.

Take the legal drinking age as an example...the law in the USA says 21...in Canada, it's 18...in France...16. That law doesn't travel well.

Thou shalt not kill does a better job...love thy neighbour should too (although that one's ignored far too often).
I dont wanna love my neighbour shes 72

and I meant evolution and the formation of the earth Bish