Goodbye OTC.....


Well-Known Member
When do you plan to say that to OTC?

After reading what chcr said I got to thinking "eventually, I, and everyone else here will leave, eventually OTC will shut down as an active forum...."

Do you as, a regular poster, see yourself here in 5, 10, 15 years?

What d oyou think will be the future of OTC in 5, 10, 15 years?...Ofcourse we can all drop by but do you plan to come here as long as this place exists or only come here untill something better comes along in life?
I'll still be posting here in 5 years, at least.

What about you?
this site is worse than crack. i keep trying to stay away, but it keeps pulling me back in.
anyone know of a good forum detox place???
OTC is fine board. The great thing about a forum is that requires congnitive thought (usually) its like an interactive book.

Forums are far more useful then surfing for dirty pictures and watching TV.

I some for relaxiation and play
Well, I can see myself announcing marriage plans, pregnancies and child births on here...child births will be atleast 8 years from now I that should tell you something.
I'll be posting along with most of the rest of you. Whether it will be here or elsewhere is up in the air. I don't think anyone in 2000 foresaw the fall of JJR's board, but pretty much everyone from there still posts here.
I was away for awhile...and missed it much... but like Spot said, its worse than crack, you gotta get that fix of friends and feels like a second home sometimes, kinda like CHEERS, everybody knows your name when you walk in the door... :winkkiss:
i probably won't be posting as much in a while, with all the travelling plans/work planned. but i'll definately post where ever i am. otcentral has brought a lot of good and bad for me...beyond online life as well, which makes it worthwhile to come back.
Having only been on here for less than 2 years, I find it hard to forsee where I'll be in 5,10 years etc. I'm hoping that many people that are here now will still be here in that time, but forums are moveable things. People come and go, and so long as I recognize at least 12 people on here...I can see myself still visiting daily.

I don't go hunting for forums, so I don't think that any will come along to pull me away.

This place will look radically different in 10 years though. At the rate that tech changes...I can see virtual-OTC within the next 15 years. Big rooms with floating 3D avatars. Hopefully IC will have changed his AV by then, 'cause that one is bad enough in 2D :D
Mare said:
I was away for awhile...and missed it much... but like Spot said, its worse than crack, you gotta get that fix of friends and feels like a second home sometimes, kinda like CHEERS, everybody knows your name when you walk in the door... :winkkiss:

Good to have you back, Mare!!
It's hard to say where i will be in 5 to 10 years from now. I'm hoping to still come by and visit, but i'm also hoping to have a few children and be running after them. I guess no one really knows where they will be. I can just as easily be hit by a bus tomorrow and never come back!!!
If the mix of personality types stays stable, I'll be here til I rot. But if the tree hugging, gay marrying, PC paranoid percentile increases much more, I'll be migrating to a more white picket fence friendly environment.
Professur said:
If the mix of personality types stays stable, I'll be here til I rot. But if the tree hugging, gay marrying, PC paranoid percentile increases much more, I'll be migrating to a more white picket fence friendly environment.

...with no one to argue with? That's not much fun, now innit?
No like minds, actually. I don't mind a good argument, but I've never gotten one from any of the above.
Professur said:
If the mix of personality types stays stable, I'll be here til I rot. But if the tree hugging, gay marrying, PC paranoid percentile increases much more, I'll be migrating to a more white picket fence friendly environment.

Just make sure you leave me with contact info :)
my attention to the forums i frequent comes and goes, as of late i haven't been around much, maybe autumn will see that change, maybe not. either way, the otc community and it's offshoots are solid and i can't believe we would all just take our balls home and never speak [or type] at each other again.