Goodbye Sovereignty, old friend


molṑn labé
Staff member
The best place to look is in plain sight.

First, where is the loud obnoxious media when it comes to the UN attempting to overthrow legal rights?

The Control Arms Campaign made the proposal as it presented U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan with a petition backing a new treaty governing such international arms deals. A million people from more than 160 nations signed the petition, symbolizing the number of people killed by guns since the last U.N. small arms conference in 2001.

The call for a new treaty, while a topic for discussion at the conference, would require the U.N. General Assembly's approval after it opens its next annual session in September.

It would aim to prevent arms sales to anyone intent on genocide, human rights abuses or U.N. arms embargo violations.
Wanna bet they are more concerned with John Does .38 than Rwandan AK-47s?


Then, in a quiet blow to all of us in the North American corridor comes this...

Report to Leaders

June 2005

On March 23, 2005, you announced the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. At that time, you instructed Ministers to create an architecture which would further enhance the security of North America while at the same time promote the economic well-being of our citizens and position North America to face and meet future challenges. This effort builds on the excellent, long-standing relations among our three countries. The response to your request is attached.

Ain't globalization grand?

Just think, no need for a Constitution & it's guarded & guaranteed protections when there is no USA. Canada & Mexico would be allowed to input their $.02 & it would matter. In fact, there would be no Mexico, USA & Canada.

Why isn't this making big news?
Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America
Whatcha find so funny? You plan on passing to your grankids the United North American Union?
What, you don't like others forcing their ideas, way of life, and form of government on you?

Get over it and quit your whining. Serves you right. Unity is a good thing, remember?
SouthernN'Proud said:
Sorry, ya lost me there....:confused:

It gets me going when anyone tries to force their mentality, lifestyle or ideals on somebody else, I should have worded that a little diferent...
Gonz said:
Whatcha find so funny? You plan on passing to your grankids the United North American Union?
Sorry, watching people being led around by the nose by propaganda just cracks me up. Grow up.

Canada & Mexico would be allowed to input their $.02 & it would matter.

As, of course, it doesn't now... :rolleyes:
Something gives me the idea that psychopaths trying to kill millions of people won't abide by arms treaties.

Of course, the country willing to defend millions of people from said psychopaths will have to follow the treaty.
chcr said:
Sorry, watching people being led around by the nose by propaganda just cracks me up. Grow up.

As, of course, it doesn't now... :rolleyes:

Remind me to pay attention when you actually add something to the conversation.
SouthernN'Proud said:
What, you don't like others forcing their ideas, way of life, and form of government on you?

Get over it and quit your whining. Serves you right. Unity is a good thing, remember?

The war is over. Your side lost. Kwitcherbitchen. Your side is about to lose to a much larger somebody you were never unified with.
yeah i'll bet the john birch society is up in arms (ha ha) about this one... a sure indication that it's not worth attention.
Gonz said:
The war is over. Your side lost. Kwitcherbitchen. Your side is about to lose to a much larger somebody you were never unified with.

I just enjoy pointing out flawed logic and philosophy. Call it a hobby.

Your spiel is so typical. "The Union must be preserved at all costs, because that's what I want."

"Unify with others? Never! We have the right to make our own laws (except Southerners)! We control our own destiny (except Southerners)! Independence above all, unless you're Southern, then it's unity (at gunpoint) above all, because that's what I want!"

Cram it.
Gonz said:
The war is over. Your side lost. Kwitcherbitchen. Your side is about to lose to a much larger somebody you were never unified with.

So when the Mexicans take over and assimilate the US, you'll be OK with hearing the same argument?

Sorry, but I'm with SnP on this one. Pick a value-based position and stick with it, rather than selectively applying it. Wow, seems to me I've heard you argue against relative morality in the past, too. So, you're running a pretty high batting average on contradicting yourself on this one.
What contradiction?

The United States was a whole entity & the south decided they didn't like it & left, breaking up the whole. Lincoln put it back together.

Mexico & Canada have never been part of the US & globalists are looking at making one completely new country using the existing parts of 3 complete countries.
Ain't globalization grand?

Just think, no need for a Constitution & it's guarded & guaranteed protections when there is no USA.

Substitute re-unification for globalization and Confederacy for USA, and you pretty much nailed the mindset of the Southerner in 1865.

Either the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, or it isn't. That principle doean't stop at the Rio Grande. Make up yer mind.